Inventory Adjustments "Allowed Posting Date"

since2002since2002 Member Posts: 25
edited 2013-11-27 in NAV Three Tier
A Kit BOM was posted with a Posting Date 10/31/13 USA Date. The allowed posting date for the user posting the transaction was 10/01/13 to 11/30/13. The General Ledger setup had 11/01/13 to 11/30/13 and because the user was alloed to post in October all was good. There were some INVTADJMT records posted to the Value Entry and the GL with posting dates of 11/01/13. I would have expected all the transactions to have the same posting date.

Does the Inventory Adjustment Posting routine ignore the "Allowed Posting Date" for the user doing the posting and just use the General Ledger setup though they all posted together as part of the same transaction?


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    since2002 wrote:
    Does the Inventory Adjustment Posting routine ignore the "Allowed Posting Date" for the user doing the posting and just use the General Ledger setup though they all posted together as part of the same transaction?
    The date for adjustment entries depends on several different settings and the NAV version.
    From Version 5 upwards: If possible, the posting date is the posting date of the value entry (invoice date) of the item ledger entry which was adjusted. If the inventory period is closed, then the first day of the first open inventory period is used.
    If inventory periods are not used, then only G/L Setup."Allow Posting from" is relevant.
    The reponsible code snippet from Codeunit 5895
      IF GLSetup.IsPostingAllowed("Posting Date") AND InvtPeriod.IsValidDate("Posting Date") THEN
        ItemJnlLine."Posting Date" := "Posting Date"
        ItemJnlLine."Posting Date" := PostingDateForClosedPeriod;
    So the Inventory Adjustment within the value entries uses ignores user settings completely. But if "Automatic Cost Posting" is activated in the inventory setup which means that "Post to G/L" in the options of the inventory adjustment report 795 is checked, the subsequent posting of the G/L journal batch will use the normal routine checks of the financial management, here the user specific settings override the general settings in the G/L setup as usual.

    The older NAV versions (3.70 - 4.03) without inventory periods behave slighty different, they had an extra replacement posting date in the options of the inventory adjustment report and used either the date the item ledger entry instead of the value entry or the replacement posting date if the item ledger entry's date was prior to the G/L Setup."Allow Posting From".
    NAV 3.60 (and older) used a single fixed posting date for all adjustment entries which you could set in the report options, this solution was, of course, totally inadequate.
    Kai Kowalewski
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