Visibility problem in NAV 2013 report

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
edited 2013-09-26 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone,

I am having trouble with visibility in a NAV 2013 report.
The report consists of three data items, independant from each other, and each dataitem is represented by a table in the layout.
There is a variable X of type option that can take three values:v1,v2 and v3.
If X=v1, only the table of the first data item should be displayed, if X=v2, only the table of the second should be displayed, if X=v3, only the table of the third data item should be displayed.

I declared X on the three dataitems with different names (x1,x2 and x3)and used the following visibility conditions:
=iif(Fields!x1.value=v1,FALSE,TRUE) for the first table
=iif(Fields!x2.value=v2,FALSE,TRUE) for the second table
=iif(Fields!x3.value=v3,FALSE,TRUE) for the third table

but the conditions did not work.
What's wrong???What shall I do???


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    take a look at dataset. does the data show up in the xml file?
    this the list table when you are in preview mode and click on about this report
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
    ara3n wrote:
    take a look at dataset. does the data show up in the xml file?
    this the list table when you are in preview mode and click on about this report

    Yes the data shows up but it is not displayed correctly except for the first condition(the first table)...
    The two other conditions give wrong results (I get a blank report)....
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181

    Try to use integer or text variable instead the option type.
    I had problems with option variables and finally i solved the issue using integers.

  • poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
    Saalek wrote:

    Try to use integer or text variable instead the option type.
    I had problems with option variables and finally i solved the issue using integers.


    You mean I should use the integer value of the option?
    I already tried that but it also didn't work except for the first list....
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181

    I read more in detail your problema and I have some question.

    You say that there is a X variable with 3 posible values.
    And then, you say that you declared the 3 variables in the 3 dataitems.

    Why ?

    Try this example
    OBJECT Report 50000 Test
        Version List=;
        { 1000000009;;DataItem;                  ;
                   DataItemTable=Table79 }
        { 1000000010;1;Column;X                  ;
                   SourceExpr=X }
        { 1000000000;1;DataItem;                 ;
                   DataItemTable=Table18 }
        { 1000000001;2;Column;CustomerNo         ;
                   SourceExpr=Customer."No." }
        { 1000000002;2;Column;CustomerName       ;
                   SourceExpr=Customer.Name }
        { 1000000003;1;DataItem;                 ;
                   DataItemTable=Table23 }
        { 1000000004;2;Column;VendorNo           ;
                   SourceExpr=Vendor."No." }
        { 1000000005;2;Column;VendorName         ;
                   SourceExpr=Vendor.Name }
        { 1000000006;1;DataItem;                 ;
                   DataItemTable=Table27 }
        { 1000000007;2;Column;ItemNo             ;
                   SourceExpr=Item."No." }
        { 1000000008;2;Column;ItemDescription    ;
                   SourceExpr=Item.Description }
          { 1000000000;;Container;
                      ContainerType=ContentArea }
          { 1000000001;1;Field  ;
                      SourceExpr=X }
          X@1000000000 : Integer;
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Report xmlns:rd="" xmlns="">
        <DataSource Name="DataSource">
            <ConnectString />
        <DataSet Name="DataSet_Result">
            <Field Name="X">
            <Field Name="CustomerNo">
            <Field Name="CustomerName">
            <Field Name="VendorNo">
            <Field Name="VendorName">
            <Field Name="ItemNo">
            <Field Name="ItemDescription">
            <CommandText />
          <Tablix Name="Tablix1">
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox1">
                                  <Value>Customer No</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox3">
                                  <Value>Customer Name</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox5">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="CustomerNo">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="CustomerName">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox6">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                  <Group Name="Detalles" />
              <Hidden>=First(Fields!X.Value, "DataSet_Result")<>1</Hidden>
          <Tablix Name="Tablix2">
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox7">
                                  <Value>Vendor No</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox9">
                                  <Value>Vendor Name</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox11">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="VendorNo">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="VendorName">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox12">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                  <Group Name="Detalles1" />
              <Hidden>=First(Fields!X.Value, "DataSet_Result")<>2</Hidden>
          <Tablix Name="Tablix3">
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox13">
                                  <Value>Item No</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox15">
                                  <Value>Item Description</Value>
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox17">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="ItemNo">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="ItemDescription">
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                        <Textbox Name="Textbox18">
                                  <Value />
                                  <Style />
                              <Style />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                  <Group Name="Detalles2" />
              <Hidden>=First(Fields!X.Value, "DataSet_Result")<>3</Hidden>
        <Style />
      <Code>Public Function BlankZero(ByVal Value As Decimal)
        if Value = 0 then
            Return ""
        end if
        Return Value
    End Function
    Public Function BlankPos(ByVal Value As Decimal)
        if Value > 0 then
            Return ""
        end if
        Return Value
    End Function
    Public Function BlankZeroAndPos(ByVal Value As Decimal)
        if Value >= 0 then
            Return ""
        end if
        Return Value
    End Function
    Public Function BlankNeg(ByVal Value As Decimal)
        if Value < 0 then
            Return ""
        end if
        Return Value
    End Function
    Public Function BlankNegAndZero(ByVal Value As Decimal)
        if Value <= 0 then
            Return ""
        end if
        Return Value
    End Function
        <Style />

    In the example, if you gives X variable value 1, you'll see customer
    x= 2, vendors and X=3, ítems.

  • manisharma31manisharma31 Member Posts: 285
    I did face this kind of issue where I have defined 4 data items, 1 being the master data(i.e. Gen Journal Line) item and others(Vendor Ledger Entry, Cust. Ledger Entry, Voucher Narration) indented to level 1 only.

    I have defined a global variable of Boolean type, did write code onafterget trigger of 1st data item to search other data item's value & changed the Boolean value to true or false.

    Then set the visibility of my table in the RTC report to show a particular row (i.e. Header)
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