Crash when trying to open word/excel from Navision

Theo_GoliathTheo_Goliath Member Posts: 8
We have some buttons to open Word and Excel from Navision in the toolbar.
This works on our workstations, but when we use them on our new terminal server it causes the Navision client to crash.
Does anyone know a solution?


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Please look in your temp folder for an XML file named by the form's caption. Try to open it in the application you intended to launch. If you succeed, check your setup in Send-to Applications. If you didn't you might have gotten an error message or an entry in the event log, that helps you further. You may also try to open the document on the workstation that can successfully launch office from NAV. If it fails there too, something is wrong with your style sheets or you MSXML installation on the terminal server.

    If you did not find the XML document in TEMP to begin with, try clicking that toolbar button with the debugger and break on trigger activated and step through the code. Most likely, something with your MSXML installation is wrong. Which version(s) of MSXML you need is dependent on your NAV client version. (You did install the NAV client on the terminal server, did you?)
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