setup transaction no in g/l entry custledger entry where

ahmedbaahmedba Member Posts: 424
Hi guys

Are there are any way to setup transaction no .i see this field found in g/l entry table and cust.ledger entry table and vendor ledger entry table can any one told me how i can control in this number . I want this number start from 200000 but i dont know from which place in navision this number come


  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi Ahmed,

    there is no setup for the transaction no. It is an (important) internal field, and starts from one. It will be created at posting time from the last transaction no. If you have a new company and want to start from 200000, you would need to "customize" this.

    with best regards

  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Here is the help for Transaction No. field

    Transaction No. Field

    This field shows the transaction number assigned to all the entries involved in the same transaction. If there are any G/L entries, bank account ledger entries or vendor ledger entries associated with the customer ledger entry, they are assigned the same transaction number.

    The number is used to connect all entries that are created by the same posting.
    Make sure that you are not trying to change any one of the entry no. of g/l entry or vendor lendger entry or customer ledger entry..

    When coming to your question, they are created in Codeunit 12 with functions initglentry, postcust and postvend..
  • ahmedbaahmedba Member Posts: 424
    Can you show to me this customizing if possible or in which place
  • ahmedbaahmedba Member Posts: 424
    Can you give me part of customization and i will complete if possible because i make new company and i dont know how to make this
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