Hello all,
I searched this error message on this forum but still cannot get the best solution. I got the message as above title when running the report to import the data on RTC client. This function worked fine on Server machine (both classic client and RTC) but client. Is it related to grant permission on client folder?
I work arround and if put the the file under C:\Users\Public. I will get the other error: "File C:\Users\Public\simple.txt was not found."
Thanks you for reading my threat!
where is your file located? in clinet machine or servicetier installed machine?
Have you investigated that?
Can you help me understand your idea about "the path given by you in servicetier installed machine". The file located in client machine.Thanks!
Please teach me how can specfied where the file is handled by the Service Tier or the Client, I tried following the link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd338641.aspx, but I face to the other error message "You do not have permission to run the codeunit 50010". Thanks you!
Pls check your license can access that range.
Thanks Yukon, the license works fine.
mohana_cse06 and Mark Brummel are correct! I found out that RTC client just can see the file on the Servicetier machine only. My solution is request IT guy create a shared folder where all users can create and modify so users can import via RTC. Is there any better solution?!
Check report 9172.. how they have have uploaded the file to servicetier machine..
Thanks mohana_cse06, it worked! The short code below help me
when you are working with RTC, it will open a new window to select the file rather than asking you to enter in request page..
try by running same report 9172
It's not a message, it just a path I copy from request page after select the .txt file.
You mean no need use request page in RTC, just open window then click Ok and run the code! It's good idea as well. Thanks!
Your are right! User confuse the link. But can use below code for file select and combine with code. You can refer NAV 2013 CU-File Management.
Noted : I use at NAV R2.
Best Regards,
Please tell how can I apply your code
Copy below code to notepad and save. After that import to your database. Before import you need to export your object (CU - 3-Tier Automation Mgt.). Below Code i merge NAV 2013 and R2 base on my requirement.
How to use
txtFile := cuFileMgt.OpenFileDialog('File Select','','*.xml' <Depend on you>);
If you don't mind, please change your post status to "Solved".
I got the same error and got the solution by following below steps;
1. Stop the NAV Business Web Server service
2. Stop the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server service
3. Select the all tables containing 2000000071 till 2000000075 and compile them by pressing F11
4. Start both the services which stopped in Step 1 & Step 2.
Hope it will help.