Mexican (Spanish) Language module

RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
I'm trying to install the Mexican (Spanish) lanugage module for a customer. Does this module come with NAV itself? It seems to be a *.mlf file but I can't find it.
Anyone any ideas?
Roelof de Jong


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    The north American Version of NAV already has the Spanish (Mexican) Language pack. You just need it to add it to your license and you will be able to change the language on the client.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    So, if I go to Tools->Language: it didn't give me the option to choose for a Spanish language (other then English (American). But I found the language module download on Mibuso. I downloaded it and tried to install it. My understanding is, since the NAV version is a classic version (2009 SP1), that I need to install the database component and the Classic Client component only. (See website: Which I did. I rebooted NAV but I still don't see the Spanish langugage module to choose from. I probably miss something. Any ideas?
    Roelof de Jong
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You just need it to add it to your license and you will be able to change the language on the client
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    The license is not the problem. I use a correct license with the Spanish (Mexican) Language module activated (4986). I just still have no option to choose. I'm wondering if my installation is correct. See previous response.
    Roelof de Jong
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    What version of NAV do you have?

    Do you see a ESM folder in your classic folder?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    Yeah, I had the same thought. It wasn't previously there. I copied it over from the Language Module download. (It was included in the download). I thought that was the problem. I rebooted but it didn't solve the issue.
    Roelof de Jong
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