Modify a field on temporary table

BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
Hi Guys,

I have a form based on Item Table as source Table. The Property SourceTableTemporary = YES, so the form is based on Temporary Item Table. The form also have one Text Box on top for scanning Cross Ref, Serial No.,Item. Every time I scan it populates the Item No., Description and assign Quantity 1 on Item Temporary Table. For Quantity I am using a customized field "Quantity to Transfer". If I scan same serial or Item it add 1 Quantity to that line if it exist.
Means Quantity Increment by 1 if I scan the same serial or Item.

Now the problem is if for e:g I scan Item or serial, below line appears as

Item No. Description Quantity to Transfer

Now If user wish he can change the quantity on Quantity to Transfer field let say 5 in place of 1. When I change the quantity system flashes with the below error message.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic
Item No. 'ABC' does not exist.

For reference I am attaching the screen shot, to help you understand better & help me getting fast solution of the problem.

Any suggestion? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Thanks & Regards
Brijesh Karnatak


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Try the debugger to see where it gives the error.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    Just to understand it better... why do you need a temporary table in the form? Because I understand that temporary tables cannot be updated.
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Firstly Debugger do not catch the error & also I believe we can't update a field on temporary table seems like that.

    The need of the temporary table is that when I scan the serial e.t.c then It insert the lines on the below form which is based on item table. The purpose of the customization is do a bulk transfer of the item from 1 location to another based on what all we have scanned & are populated on the temp item table
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    If you have already done these customizations I guess you have to write a code to update another instance of the Item table (which you can declare as a global variable) which is not temporary.

    Again just curiosity, if the purpose is to transfer items, why Transfer Order tables was not used?

  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    I worked with taking the another instance of teh item table as well, it didn't worked either.

    However TO is not taken because the customer want to scan serial and list all the scanned item on below form and then hit process(which creates the TO)

    All is working except just changing the quantity on the form. If I scan same serial/item it updates the quantity by 1.
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    Then take a permanent table (a customized table) and put the fields you need from the item table. Then you will be able to save the data right?

    As we understand here that it is not possible to update something on a temporary table, I guess you do not have any other choice.

  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Hi Guys,

    After lot of hiccups finally resolved the issue. With the vision to help my dear friend if they encounter similar scenario, I thought that my dear friends should not waste much time like I did so I have merged the part of customization on the attached standard objects Version 5.01. There is only one form & 1 Table modified you can import the form and try scanning item on cronus like 1000,1001...Also you have the feature of changing the quantity on lines.

    Keep me posted how you think about the modification.

    Thank to my dear friend Fridrik how helped me to get the idea.

    Chinmoy waiting to hear from you

    It do not allow me to upload .fob & .rar file........:(

    if you are curious so ping me on skype I will send you the fob. My Skype ID brijeshkarnatak5091
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    Good to hear that you have resolved the issue. Appreciate your patience.

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