
what is the purpose of the buffer table?

monir_asianmonir_asian Member Posts: 80
edited 2012-04-18 in NAV Three Tier

I see many buffer table in navision. Is it for calculating something in form?

what is the purpose of those tables?

I need a list form which will be based on item ledger entry and dimension value list table.

form will show as like

StartingQty----StartingAmount---ImportedQty---ImportedAmount----ProdcutSalesQty---ProductSalesAmount---First Price---Sales Price

PATRICE-BREAL-- 300- 400- 5000- 6000

here starting quantity = remaining quantity when open and positive value.

starting amount= cost amount actual for open and positive value.

First price=unitprice*quantity when entry type=sale

sales price= sales amount actual when entry type=sale

sales qty=quantity when entry type=sale
sales amount=cost amount actual when entry type=sale

Filtering field will be Material, Size,Color,Brand,Barcode,Itemcode,Season,Seasonyear,style,description,category,

product groupcode,product sub group code, Byern no.

I cannot use direct Itemledger entry table and dimension value table.

because i have many calculation field. Actually this is a dynamic report. I already made same thing for report. but i also want this for form that customer can dynamically change this .

How to solve this issue?


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