
"Advanced" COMMIT Management

BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
edited 2012-03-29 in NAV Three Tier
hi everyone,
I have a question about COMMIT. Here's a code sample
  if mycodeunit.run(mytable) then *****
    //retrieve mytable values from mycodeunit
    //do the INSERT/MODIFY of mytable
    //retrieve mytable values from mycodeunit    
    //add a log
    //do the INSERT/MODIFY of mytable
until something = true;
now, the real catch is in "mycodeunit"
NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries("this is the standard NAV function");
//the function initseries will make the entry number on MYTABLE and modify the number series line table
//populate some fields in MYTABLE variable
ERROR('something goes wrong, e.g. lock timeout');
now, the error should roll back the transaction till *****, thus the number series line will go back by one, isn't it?
I'm 99% sure of it, but i'd like a second opinion, because the process is critical.
Thanks in advance
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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    jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi Belias,

    yes, it should roll back the no. Series line.

    with best regards

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    pdjpdj Member Posts: 643
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    jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi Belias,

    I think CU13 is a good example for this. The Posting Nos. are generated consecutively while the journal lines are posted. And it is rolled back if something bad happens. However, for every No. Series, a different NoSeriesMgt Codeunit is used. So maybe there is a reason for this... some fixing on only one No.Series for one instance of NoSeriesMgt.

    with best regards

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    BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    Ok thank you. I've solved the bug (the rollback had reset the no. serie back by one number, but i was still inserting the updated no. serie)
    - last no. serie used = AAA010
    - make no. serie AAA11
    - last no. serie used = AAA011
    - ERROR
    - rollback (last no. serie returns to AAA010
    - get the created entry no. (still AAA011)
    - create the entry to AAA011 while the last no. used is AAA010
    (then, on the second loop, i found the same key of my entry no., so i modify the existing AAA011 instead of creating a new entry)

    phew...it was hard to find (nearly impossible to replicate, process running on NAS, and error was random, depending on the locks).
    problem solved with a commit after the
    NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries("this is the standard NAV function");
    because missing entry numbers in the sequence are acceptable.
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
    My Blog
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