Overflow in calculation of 2147480030 + 10000

bolkobolko Member Posts: 13
edited 2005-06-24 in Navision Financials
When I post SO or PO ...
"Overflow in calculation of 2147480030 + 10000"
How can I fix it? seem that the posting is correct but still showing the message..


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Looks to me like you want to put a really big number in an integer, and you just hit the maximum value.
  • bolkobolko Member Posts: 13
    But why happened when I posted SO and PO where I have to go to fix it..
    directly to the code unit?...
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    You must have orders with insane numbers of lines. I have not seen this happen before, even on orders with thousands of lines.

    It feels like this is caused by a customization, since the number 2147480030 is not a 10000 increment. The least you should do is debug the problem and see what the program is trying to do when it errors out.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    This error usually appears in very large journals. It is somewhat strange that this happens when a PO/SO is posted. Are there any journal lines ( for barcodes etc. from an add-on ) automatically created when posting takes place ?
    All you can do in this case is to delete/post the journal lines so the line number starts at 10000 again.
    If this happens frequently it is possible to decrease the line number increment from 10000 to 10 , but then you can only insert a few new lines between already existing ones since the Line Number is part of the primary key, but this shouldn't be a problem in an automatic journal.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • bolkobolko Member Posts: 13
    You right.. It is a modification, I have a SerialNumber table that the last line number is " 2147480030 " ..
    Could I decrease that number...
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    edited 2005-06-24
    First, you will have to run a report that renames the primary key to decrease all the line numbers in this S/N Table.
    Then , to prevent this happening again the increment coding for the line number must be changed to a smaller interval.

    Kai Kowalewski
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Or, the code that creates the journal lines could be changed to not use that serial number as the basis to calculate the line number.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If you are using a 3.6 or higher client/server on the financials database, you can also use BigInteger field instead of an Integer Field in the table, but then you will probably need to change the code ( integer variable ) too.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • bolkobolko Member Posts: 13
    I'm using 2.6..
    but I will run a report to change the SN line ( to lower #), and then modify rpt. "Post SN Journal"..
    changing 10000 to 10
    what do you think?


    IF SNLedgerEntry.FIND('+') THEN
    SNCounter := SNLedgerEntry."Line No." + 10000
    SNCounter := 10000;
    SNLedgerEntry.TRANSFERFIELDS("SN Journal Line");
    SNLedgerEntry."Line No." := SNCounter;
    SNLedgerEntry."Posting Date" := WORKDATE;
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If SNLedgerEntry."Line No." is part of the primary key then a RENAME is necessary(modify the "Line No." in the first few records manually (10000,20000,30000.. to 10,20,30.. ) to prevent insert errors, then step through the table renaming all the records, otherwise if "Line No." is not part of the primary key create a second variable SNLedgerEntry2, stepping through the first one and writing the other.
    something like :
    SNLedgerEntry2.TRANSFERFIELDS("SN Journal Line");
    SNCounter += 10; // or even 1
    SNLedgerEntry2."Line No." := SNCounter;
    SNLedgerEntry2."Posting Date" := WORKDATE;

    You can delete the old records afterwards by filtering on the "Line No.".
    Kai Kowalewski
  • bolkobolko Member Posts: 13
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