Adding a New Departement in Nav 2009!!!!!

HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
edited 2009-11-12 in NAV Three Tier

I have added a new departement in Navision 2009 just like departement WareHouse, Financial Management, Sales and Marketing.... and I want to acceed to my departement from The web interface of Navision 2009.

Anyone knows how to deal with that???

Thanks for the anwser.



  • TroelshTroelsh Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 79
    I looks like you have added a new node i the menusuite and that appears as a Department Page as expected.
    If you by "Web Interface" mean webservices - you can't access departmentpages from webservices. These are not "normal" pageobjects that can be accessed using webservices.

    You can acess the node directly using :
    DynamicsNAV://///navigate?node=<service> e.g.
    Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe DynamicsNAV://///navigate?node=Home/Items

    Troels Bent Hansen
    Senior Program Manager
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281

    I have created a new departement in the menusuite accessible from Navision 2009 Classic and not from WebInterface, what shall I do to see my departement from the webinterface???

    Thank you


    Hanen TALBI
  • janvmjanvm Member Posts: 1
    Classic Client uses menusuite 10-90, the Role Tailored Client uses menusuite 1010-1090.
    So if you add a department in the classic client by using Alt+F12 this change is stored in Menusuite 90, Company.
    If you want to appear it in the Role Tailored Client you have to apply the changes also to Menusuite 1090, Dept - Company. These menusuite is read by the Role Tailored Client.
    It can be accessed from the Object Designer.

    Jan van Maanen
    MCT Dynamics
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506

    you can transform the Menusuite 10/90,if u have permissions,with transformation tool

    it directly creates menusuite 1010/1090.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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