Create a variable cursor

MagnoMagno Member Posts: 168
edited 2009-06-24 in SQL General

I want to create a cursor dynamically to a non determined company\table in NAV.
like this:
DECLARE @Company varchar( 50);
DECLARE @Table varchar( 50);
DECLARE @EndPoint int;
SET @Company = 'Company';
SET @Table = 'TableName';
	Select DISTINCT EndPoint
	from [@Company$@TableName]
OPEN curData


		print @EndPoint
		FETCH NEXT FROM curData INTO @EndPoint
CLOSE curData

Is this possible to do?
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  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    not sure to understand you (i don't know t-sql a lot), but maybe you can search the help and then mibuso for "recordRef" (and fieldref) variable type
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  • MagnoMagno Member Posts: 168
    that is not really an option (recordRef and fieldRef), i know these, because the SQL Statements i'm making are as a replacement for the field and recordRef. The Ref's take too long for what we want to do.

    I have the prototype code in SQL, but specific for 1 company now and need to built it into a stored procedure.
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  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    So and whats there your question and why do you need it direktcly from NAV
    Per default NAV can't run direkt TSQL. Only via ADO or if you use a View and in this view is TSQL (for example the view call a function)
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • MagnoMagno Member Posts: 168
    Who said anything about running this from navision.

    I run this in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) just because i can use the speed of SQL Server in my process then. My goal is to create a stored procedure to call in Navision using ADO.
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  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Magno wrote:
    Who said anything about running this from navision.

    Because you post it in the NAV/Navision subforum.
    My goal is to create a stored procedure to call in Navision using ADO.

    OK, also no problem. For ADO here are many examples, and how to create and save a sp under the Management Studio also simple. How to run a sp from NAv with using ADO is also no prob and you found it also if you search the forum.
    Is your final question how to display the resultset of the sp in NAV, for example in a form?
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • MagnoMagno Member Posts: 168
    no, my question was if there is another way to create a dynamic cursor, i was wondering if other people have done this in NAV.

    The sp and ADO part i have done before.
    There are no bugs, only random undocumented features...
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  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    One of the changes in NAV 5, was to change from primarily making use of Fast-Forward cursor types to Dynamic cursors. The same change was implemented in version 4 from build 26410, which is Version 4, SP3 Update6(940718) + KB950920.

    Before 5 / 4.03 Update 6 NAv use ever the FF courser type. ... types.aspx
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision' forum to 'SQL General' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • strykstryk Member Posts: 645
    I guess you are looking for something like this:
    set statistics io off
    declare @cust_name varchar(30)
    declare @tab_name varchar(128)
    set @tab_name = 'CRONUS 403$Customer'
    exec ('declare dyn_cur cursor for select [Name] from [' + @tab_name + ']')
    open dyn_cur
    fetch next from dyn_cur into @cust_name
    while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
      print @cust_name
      fetch next from dyn_cur into @cust_name
    close dyn_cur
    deallocate dyn_cur
    Hence, the "EXEC" of the dynamic SQL does the trick ...
    Jörg A. Stryk (MVP - Dynamics NAV)
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  • MagnoMagno Member Posts: 168
    stryk wrote:
    I guess you are looking for something like this:
    set statistics io off
    declare @cust_name varchar(30)
    declare @tab_name varchar(128)
    set @tab_name = 'CRONUS 403$Customer'
    exec ('declare dyn_cur cursor for select [Name] from [' + @tab_name + ']')
    open dyn_cur
    fetch next from dyn_cur into @cust_name
    while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
      print @cust_name
      fetch next from dyn_cur into @cust_name
    close dyn_cur
    deallocate dyn_cur
    Hence, the "EXEC" of the dynamic SQL does the trick ...

    Great, this is indeed what i wanted. I looked into the exec, but didn't know the cursor would be known outside the exec as well.
    There are no bugs, only random undocumented features...
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