
AngeloAngelo Member Posts: 180
I have problem.I frequently meet with searching message like this one :

Searching "bla bla bla" table

Counter............(number looping)
Table................(Name of table)
Key..................(key of the table above)

////////// Cancel ////////////


I have seached the "bla bla bla" table and I compare it with cronus database. there is no problem with the table :-k

This message will searching continuely and it wil waste time when I click lookup button......only lookup table button :-k

anyone can solve my problem???please.....


  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313
    It's possible that you're using an incorrect key?
    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
  • AngeloAngelo Member Posts: 180
    I sure that not uncorrect key because I have compared it with normal standar database (database that not show error message)#-o
  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313
    Be carefull of comparing a live DB with the Demo DB.

    Look at the number of records in tables of those two databases.
    Please take this into account, the key may look right but when you
    set a filter on a field that is not in the key, a counter screen will be displayed.
    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
  • dustmandustman Member Posts: 15
    I have to agree with previous responses, don't compare the demo database with a live one, since the demo database has soo little data in it , searching won't be a problem... Searching based on text files or flowfields also has a bad perfomance result and even more when u search on a wrong a filed without setting the key right.

    Good luck and happy searching.. searching for luck...


  • pdjpdj Member Posts: 643
    It would be a lot easier to help if you gave some examples. You could either send the field you do the look-up in, or in the resulting list post the filters and key here and let us look at it.

    If you wish to look deeper into it yourself, then enable the client monitor, and right after you encounter the problem turn it off and look at the last transactions. It shows in detail what you have done (table, function, filters, key, duration and appr. source line etc.)
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