DB on server does not contain Nav system objects

AndreasDAndreasD Member Posts: 34
edited 2009-03-23 in SQL General

I want to create a NEW Navision/SQLServer2005 database on an MS SQL Server2005 server.
Since this is a Server in Central MIS/IT is has no Navision Client or Navision Application Server etc. installed.
Instead I open a Navision/SQLServer Client (finsql.exe) on another machine and then click:
File, Database, New
Then I fill out the window.
Unfortunately I get the following error message:

The database on the … server does not contain Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision system objects and cannot be opened.

I want to create a database, not open anything!
The user I use does have rights on the SQL-Server but obviously the MS SQL Server must get by some means some Navision objects previous to any attempt of creating a Navision Database on it.
Is that true?

Actually the plan was that this MS SQLServer 2005 only hosts the database and that the Navision Client and the Navision Application Server run elsewhere, on other machines.
Shouldn't this work?

What Navision system objects have to be installed first on the SQL Server and how?

Would s.o. know and please assist here?

Thank you


  • AndreasDAndreasD Member Posts: 34

    I just remembered that I forgot the xp_ndo.dll and the two extended stored procedures therein.

    Maybe after that it works. Have to wait to monday though since central IT has to do it.

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    That shouldn't be the problem. The DLL serves for Windowslogins.

    But which version of NAV do you use? For SQL2005 you need at least NAV4.0SP3.

    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision' forum to 'SQL General' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • dmccraedmccrae Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 144
    One reason for this is that the [$ndo$srvproperty] table in the 'master' database is empty. Check that from SQL Management Studio.

    If thats the case you can delete this table entirely and then try to create the database with the Classic client then you should be prompted for a license file to upload, and this table will be created again with the license file you specified - allowing you to create the database.

    You need to ensure you have permissions in 'master' to do this though.
    Dean McCrae - Senior Software Developer, NAV Server & Tools

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
  • AndreasDAndreasD Member Posts: 34

    The table $ndo$serverproperty is empty on the other server just as well, so this can't be the reason.
    There should be a possibility to just pass those objects that enable to open the database.
    The database is restored already.
    So both does not work: Neither to create a new database from a Navision client from another machine on this SQL Server 2005, nor to open the database that I could successfully restore on this SQL Server 2005. On the other SQL Server 2005 were I made the SQL Server 2005 backup and where I could open the database thru other Navision clients there was also the Nav client and Navsion application server installed.
    I just want the minimum of objects on this server in order to get access from Navision clients of other machines to the database.
    This should somehow be possible WITHOUT installing Navsion client and NAS on this SQL server 2005, or not?
    Most likely it is just one table or s.th. similar.
    Thank you for hints.
  • dmccraedmccrae Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 144
    I think you should check again that you are actually connecting successfully to a server that has no records in the [$ndo$srvproperty] table. This table contains the license used by all NAV connections to a SQL Server. It cannot be empty, even if a per-database license is being used in a database on that server.

    Did you try to delete this table on the server where you have a problem, in order for NAV to re-create it and prompt for a license again?
    Dean McCrae - Senior Software Developer, NAV Server & Tools

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    I ran into the issue on a client, and by dropping the table, it solved the issue.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • AndreasDAndreasD Member Posts: 34

    thank you, you were right.
    I overlooked one line of the table $ndo$srvproperty (I was just staring at "NULL" not recognizing "binary data").

    Deleting the license table and recreating it as a sysadmin user from an external Navision Client solved the issue.

    Thanks again.
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