
RSS Feeds, args to function calls

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

I'm attempting to read XML from an RSS feed using a variable of type 'Microsoft Feeds, version 1.0'.IFeed.

The problem I'm having is the five args that are required for the object's XML method. As documented at
xml = Feed.Xml(count, sortProperty, sortOrder, filterFlags, includeFlags)
    count Required. Integer value that specifies the maximum number of items to return. Pass FEEDS_XML_COUNT_MAX to return all the items in the feed. sortProperty Required. A FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY value that defines the sort column. sortOrder Required. A FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER value that defines the sort direction. filterFlags Required. A FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS value that specifies whether to include items based on read status. includeFlags Required. A FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS value that specifies whether to include namespace extensions to Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 2.0 in the XML.

What I'm looking for is a reference to the 'magic numbers' these constants represent. (Trying random integer values produces "interesting" results.)

Can anyone point me to this info?

Thank's in advance.


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