1,00:22,63,132,73,142 1,00:50,116,155,126,165 1,01:35,206,182,216,192 1,02:01,233,197,243,207 1,05:14,218,233,228,243 1,07:44,244,261,254,271 1,13:26,272,256,282,266 1,18:14,285,228,298,239 1,18:25,356,238,366,248 1,18:57,496,346,506,356 2,01:07,221,116,231,126 2,01:18,232,74,242,84 2,01:50,196,75,206,85 2,02:01,129,123,139,133 2,12:50,113,157,123,167 2,13:20,107,183,117,193 2,15:58,192,214,202,224 2,16:45,207,185,217,195 2,18:14,202,145,212,155 2,20:22,150,130,160,140 3,02:48,303,62,313,72 3,04:25,361,94,371,104 3,06:18,295,219,305,229 3,09:46,356,239,366,249 3,15:26,392,164,402,174 3,17:20,429,182,439,192 3,22:48,446,242,456,252 3,22:14,507,230,517,240 3,23:05,464,297,474,307 3,23:48,423,355,433,365 4,10:02,40,294,50,304 4,12:18,59,320,69,330 4,15:22,169,280,179,290 4,15:58,194,216,204,226 4,18:03,227,227,237,237 4,18:14,285,229,295,239 4,20:33,358,99,368,109 4,20:45,416,127,426,137 4,21:06,578,216,588,226 4,22:04,539,359,549,369 5,03:13,501,42,511,52 5,03:15,426,56,436,66 5,04:25,361,93,371,103 5,06:51,539,189,549,199 5,07:44,506,233,516,243 5,07:48,401,263,411,273 5,09:10,267,204,277,214 5,12:14,310,125,320,135 5,17:28,233,74,243,84 5,18:44,193,74,203,84
How can i modify this code to insert it all the above data at once.
Search in SQL Server BooksOnline for
2. bcp utility OR
3. SQL Server Import and Export Wizard OR
4. SQL Server Integration services, Flat File or Excel Source data sources
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
Why not do a simple dataport?
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
CAn you please help me with the command using the data i provided.
Well, that explains a lot. I've assumed your question regards to Microsoft SQL Server - after all you've posted to NAV/Navision, and NAV is working only with Microsoft SQL Server - as far as I know. I didn't put too much attention to (DB2) in the subject.
BTW. Dataport it is a NAV internal object which can be easilly used to read the data from plain text files to the database.
As for answer, perhaps it won't be helpful, but the simplest way is to repeat multiple time the same INSERT INTO statement (you can use Excel go generate text file
MS SQL Server provides BULK INSERT T-SQL command, which allows to insert multile rows of data dierctly from plain text file, something similar should exists on DB2 as well.
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocente ... 008305.htm
or you read these manual for more infos http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/db2/library/
If you whish to import the flat file in your DB2 table from Navision you can use ADO (search for it in the forum and use the needed connection strings http://www.connectionstrings.com/?carrier=ibmdb2).
My problem now is to query where two points intersect. Here is my command:
But i am having the following error:
The problem is a compatibilty issue of :DB2GSE.ST_INTERSECTION
Can anyone help please
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