Hi guys,
after a first look to the indexed views I've one question about it.
SIFT maintenance is enabled for some line-tables like Sales Line Archive or Service Line in the Cronus-DB. Because the Line No. field is part of the SIFT enabled keys there will never ever be a line in the view that summerizes data from the base tables. So the $Cnt field will be 1 for all records in the view.
Am I right, or what did I misunderstand?
Why did they enable SIFT maintencance on those tabels?
The views only summarize data on the very detailed SIFT level. To get sums on higher SIFT levels Nav has to sum the records in the view.
If I have only few records on the very detailed level I should deactivate SIFT, shouldnt't I?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Or maybe I'm just to blind to see ...
The SIFTlevels are gone!
The way to create SIFTlevels is different now (in case you really need it). I have created an extreme test where I needed to have a "SIFT-level".
Hmmmm,maybe I should talk about it a little in my blog (if no one else already did that).
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I would like a 500 gig db conversion experience blog.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
I made a small blog about it:http://mibuso.com/blogs/kriki/2008/04/01/sql-changes-for-50sp1/
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
It seems that any change or simply ompiling the table object will force the drop and create of the indexed view. An Indexed View with SchemaBinding only need to be recreated if a reference from the underlying table is changed. Doing something like adding a comment should not cause the view to be recreated.
This is causing an issue on a site with large database.
I have a client with a database a bit bigger than that, and we are looking at how to do the test right now. Step one is to buy a new server to test on, and a new SAN, so its going to be an expensive test, and probably not going to happen for a while yet.
What I am more concerned about is a client that has a fairly small database (100gig), but they have a lot of GL transactions (20M+) one account has about 1.5M entries, and 50 accounts have more than 100,000 entries.
So I will be interested to see how that will perform when runing say a Balance Sheet that has to calculate all those entries. And then we have dimensions
Wow. 100 gig small...
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
Hmm small(ish) :whistle: these days anything I can use on my laptop I think of as small.
I can remember the first time we ever sold the 1gig database granule option, and that was huge back then
How Navision has changed. :-k
That's right.
Not only can Navision handle big databases, it is now also made ready for the smallest companies with the introduction of Entrepreneur! \:D/
But that's more a marketing decision than a technical one.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist