CAL Completer 0.01.02 Beta (Windows 2000/XP)
CAL Completer brings the wonderful functionality of code completion to Navision.
This is only a beta version. Please send me ALL your feedback. If you find a bug or if you have a suggestion, please mail this to
If you are happy with the tool and if you are actually using the tool, please become a mibuso Site Supporter ( ).
For every 5 people that become a site supporter because of this tool, I’ll guarantee a new release / update with NEW functionality*!
Don’t forget to tell the administrator you became a site supporter because of CAL Completer!
* As long as new functionality can be added.
Known Issues:
Not all keys can be used while the CAL Completion window exists.
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This will be a high priority bug to fix.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
If we can include some color and auto format facility, it would be really good.
Hopefully it will be more similar to Visual Basic or visual studio.
Good Work..........Emiel Romein
I don't think I can do colors and auto formatting, as you probably knew, but if you have other suggestions, please post them.
I was thinking about:
Make the backspace work when CAL Completion window is open.
Command (cside) help from the CAL Completion window.
Ctrl+Enter to get an ; or an () with the command. (Need to think of a name for this one)
Ctrl+Shift+Enter to get the complete syntax (incl. parameters) of a command.
Possibility to include your own tags.
Auto size window to fit the commands
No completion between quotes (Difficult one!)
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
- how about make the selection list a little bigger (5 - 8 items or even better - configurable)?
- if i make a 'typo' and return back with backspace, it don't recognize the previous part of word to complete, instead it offers new completitions.
#-o Is it possible to share the knowledge how to write into CAL window?
So, that's on the to-do list already. If you have any more suggestion please post (or mail)!
The Backspace thingy is on the list too. So, all your wishes will be granted.
The commands are all in the .txt file. Check the CAL Completer folder in the Program Files folder. You can see you can add anyting you like.
I want to ba able to let people add their own fingerprints. This is already possible, but you can not add spaces between the // and the rest, plus you can not yet automatically add dates to the prints.
But maybe, this will be in the next version. But first we need 5 people to become a site supporter!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
I've added your suggestions to the wishlist.
Now.... become a mibuso site supporter so I can start developing a new version with new functionality!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
I gues the reasons are that :
a) It is much more work than anyone anticipates.
b) An editor is worth nothing without a compiler
c) It is too tedious to have to export the objects as textfiles, work on them in the external editor, and then import them back again, test the software, see that you still have an error, and restart the complete cycle again. I for one would feel that what you are winning witha better editor, you would lose with all the extra importing and exporting. I have the same feeling, but I don't see who else but MS can make an adequate Navision Editor that is a part of Navision and thus works seemlesly.
Maybe you'll have better luck in this post...
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Anyway, very good tool!! I like it very much, thanks
Soon there will be a version 1 comming out, which will be a stable version of the tool as it is along with a few little new features.
Thanks for your compliment. Af any new suggestion, please let me know!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Nice tool !
Too me it does not make sense to use the 'enter' key for activating the autocompletion. Could you make it like when you use the '(' or ';' key to activate the autocompletion? (and then also add the key that was used to activate autocompletion at the end of the instruction).
at the end Then it would be somehow simular then in an .NET environment.
This would also make your idea about different key combinations not necesarry anymore.
Also i get the '"' extra signs at still unpredictable moments.
I've added your wish (; & () to the list.
What do you mean by: “Also i get the '"' extra signs at still unpredictable moments.”
btw, nice quote you have there
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
I experience when using the tool and i type those key's <"> and <'> they do not appear. But when i type those keys twice, they now suddenly appear twice and i will have to remove one of these with the backspace.
This only happens when the tool is activated.
I know this as a standard windows feature. This is so you can easaly type charaters as ë and ü. First you type the " and then the e, the result is ë. But it you want to type the ", you need to hit the space after typing it.
I'll look into it... You check if you are not changing keyboard lay-outs. There is a special key-combo (LEFT ALT & SHIFT) that changes this. I'm hitting this combo quite often in Navision, maybe that is the problem?
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
(i'm so used to this system i didn't even know ) :-k
But something works different though ...
I'm trying it right now but this morning i started the tool and it did nothing at all. So i can't have a look at it what exactly goes different then without the tool.
It does not make any difference which program i start first (c/al completer or navision).
edit : ah your program seems incompatible with my version management tool. You probably doing things with window hooks .. ??
I'll upload version 1.00, which is a stable version of the tool as it is now plus some new features, this week. Maybe your problems will be fix in this version.
I'll put you on the list as a 2.00 Beta tester, if you don't mind?
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
CAL Completer (Windows 2000/XP) brings the wonderful functionality of code completion to Navision.
If you are happy with the tool and if you are actually using the tool, please become a mibuso Site Supporter (
If 5 people become a site supporter because of this tool, I’ll guarantee a new release with NEW functionality!
Scheduled for version 2.00: Comment Completion & Snippets
Don’t forget to tell the administrator you became a site supporter because of CAL Completer!
Biggest Changes in Version 1.00
- “Wild CPU Bug” fixed
+ CAL Completer Update Service
+ Adaptive Completion Window Width & Height
+ Backspace during completion.
Discuss this download here.
Can that be added to code or it is just there because some future functionality?
for DT2DATE Date := DT2DATE(Datetime) you can add only DT2DATE or I'm I missing something?
Brilliant tool =D> , thx
Thanks for the "brilliant" compliment.
CAL Completer BETA 2 is being tested as we ... I'm not sure how long these tests will last... But, a version 2.00 is on its way.
Only the first part of the string (everything to the space) is used in the completion window. The actual syntax is not used... yet.
I was planning to use this as a tooltip in the completion window, but due to some technical difficulties this hasn’t been realized yet.
I’m planning to include this in the next version. Let’s see if I’ve got the time and stimulants to keep developing. Donatingby the way, will increase the change of new version developments.
Emiel Romein
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Don't worry, I just need some time 8)
Can't wait for v2.0
CAL Completer (Windows 2000/XP) brings the wonderful functionality of code completion to Navision.
Major new features in CAL Completer version 2 BETA
+ Comment Items
+ CAL Snippets
+ Item Icons
+ Separate Updater
+ Help
+ Complete item using keys: Enter, ; and (
Known issues in CAL Completer version 2 Beta
- CAL Snippets isn’t working like it should in some cases depending on hardware.
It’s highly recommended to uninstall any old versions before installing this BETA 2 version
Discuss this download here.
I've created my own comment file as written in .doc file. How can I make this comment visible in CAL Completer? It's placed exactly in folder where the sample is placed. :-s
Keep the good work ... and I will give the link to CAL Completer soon in my startup folder.
I have custom comment file:
// NOTE-ABart-{Date, Short}. START
and when I press Ctrl + Space I get the list
I think I found a bug :?:
In multiline comments: in second line (after {NewLine}) things like {Date, Short} does not work
The comments work without pressing Ctrl + Space.
After typing // I only need to press space because comment after // has space
Sorry, I just installed Completer 2.00 beta 15 minutes ago :oops:
Maybe I'm wrong about the bug also :?:
thanks, it was really the space
The / characters in comment are replaced by & character?
// CAL Completer by Emiel Romein
is inserted like:
&& CAL Completer by Emiel Romein
Comment line in file is:
// NOTE-ABart-{Date, Short}. START{NewLine}// NOTE-ABart-{Date, Short}. END
EDIT: I just switched to 'en-UK' for non-unicode application's and there is everything fine with the comments.
the Space actaully completes the item as well. This is not suppose to happen. I uploaded the wrong exe file.
I've asked Luc to upload a new version. CAL Completer 2.00 BETA II.
Hope it's on mibuso soon. Because this version is worse then working without it at all.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
CAL Completer (Windows 2000/XP) brings the wonderful functionality of code completion to Navision.
Major new features in CAL Completer version 2 BETA
+ Comment Items
+ CAL Snippets
+ Item Icons
+ Separate Updater
+ Help
+ Complete item using keys: Enter, ; and (
Known issues in CAL Completer version 2 Beta
- CAL Snippets isn’t working like it should in some cases depending on hardware.
It’s highly recommended to uninstall any old versions before installing this BETA 2 version
Update 27/03/2006:
I uploaded to wrong .exe. In the BETA version the space will complete the completion item as well as the Enter, ; and (.
Download the BETA II version (this version) to disable space character completion.
Discuss this download here.
In Cal-snippets\Standard Code Library I found that in ... Filter & loop.txt (both files) in was tipfehler (FASLE instead FALSE)
Just to let you know
One question:
What about {??} in IF THEN snippet?
It should work something like {Record} in IF FINDFIRST THEN snippet or....?