Negative Stock With Positive Value

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I have some items that show negative inventory but a positive value in the valuation report. I want to correct this to show the value as zero but am unsure of the entries that need to be made.

Any help appreciated,



  • ecclecticecclectic Member Posts: 176
    you need to purchase or make a positive adjustment at the required cost to make your your inventory zero. then run adjust cost item entries and post cost to g/l if automatic cost and expected cost posting not activated
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Follow the advice of ecclectic. This situation can occur if you are purchasing inventory at a cost above the Item."Unit Cost", and have not invoiced the PO and run adjust cost.

    Consider the following example:

    1. Create a new item and set the Item."Unit Cost" = $10.00

    2. Create a purchase order for 100 units @ 15.00 each.

    3. Receive the PO (do not invoice). Run Inventory Valuation. The valuation will show:

    Qty. = 100 Value = $150.00

    4. Create a Sales Order for 120 cases. The selling price does not matter.

    5. Ship and Invoice the Sales order. Then run Inventory Valuation. the valuation will show:

    Qty. = -20 Value = $30.00

    To Adjust Inventory Value:

    6. Purchase and Invoice 20 Units.

    7. Invoice original PO.

    8. Run Adjust Cost.

    Qty. = 0 Value = 0
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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