auto flushing, routing link code & Subcont Purchase Orde

johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
Dear all,
I think there is something strange in manufacturing navision, my problems are:
1. I can't use output journal manually if I don't post subcontract purchase order (SPO) yet, or I can use it but SPO don't post yet and also production journal can be used to post output of work centers. the subcontract is the final step in routing and my work centers are set manual flushing. This is because navision consider the final step in the output report and production schedule, so how to control the other operations output ?????
2. Automatic flushing method of items can't function normally if I use routing link code (in the 2nd work center before last work center and after 1st work center outing and in production BOM) and flushing method manually set in the capacities
3. The warehouse require receive, shipment, put away and so on can't function in the SPO because the item's subcontracted generate from routing and not posted to item ledger entries but to capacities ledger entries

do all of you face the same situation with me or you have had solution ?
Pls let me know it. ](*,) ](*,) #-o :-k

Johnson "Six Day War" ALonso
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