quality check for an item???

shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
Dear Experts,

Does Navision ver 4.0 support a quality check for an item???Say for instance when an item is purchased and received in the warehouse that item is checked for certain Quality parameters.....and rejected immediately if the item does not satisfy even one of the say 5 Quality check parameters.

Can Navision support this? if yes which module supports it and Where I can feed in the Quality check parameters so that in future my tracebility for the item is facilitated???



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Shilpa,
    Here I am coming again try to answer your question. Have you ever try to use standard tasks quality measure? there is a min. and max. value along with mean tolerance. it's only available for quality measurement but automatically check, I think it's not.

  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162

    I'm sorry but I did not understand what you meant here??
    And where can I find this:"standard tasks quality measure"??

    Sorry Again!

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    If you're interested to use it, select module Manufacturing, click capacities, click set up, and there you can find standard tasks granule and click it. in production order, click line, select routing, click line and select standard tasks, but I think it maybe relates to quality of output from M/C or W/C.

  • ashbhardwajashbhardwaj Member Posts: 89
    Hi Shilpa
    We have develop the Quality Module for Incoming Material as well as Outgoing Material which check the Quality Accepted & rejected & then send it to further location depending on the situattion.
    PO with Qty 100 Location Main Store
    When we receipt PO.
    Then we customize the module to read the Purch. rcpt Line which have the field Accepted Quantity Rejected Quantity with reason code & when we post it suppose 80 is Accepted Qty & 20 is rejected then 80 will remain in same Main store Location & 20 will move from Mian Store to rejected Location similarly we have the concept while DIspatching.
    It is working fine.

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    There is no such standard feature. To develop one, I would suggest to:

    1) Look at Serial No. or Lot No. information card, if you are using it - some quality functionality like registering certificate number is already there and you can add others yourself. However, there is no automatic rejection.

    2) If you are using the Whse granules, you cannot undo a receipt. Therefore, I might make sense to implement these functionality before receiving. Print a modified version of the PO document or unposted Whse Recepit document to use as "temporary receipt" doc. Add these fields to the PO line or Whse Receipt line and simply not allow receiving a line when not all of them is set to "passed". Also, don't use checkboxes, because every measure has three possible values: not yet checked, passed, failed.
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