Dear All,
There is a company using navision here that uses subcontract purchase order and they requested to solve but untill I can't. the problem is navision only can control subcontract PO result if it is a final step in the routing, but if it locates between the first and the final step, navision can't control. I've tried to solve it, and indeed, when I post the output journal with conditions as follows:
1. Fabrication (Work center (W/C)) : 10 pcs
2. Plating (subcon W/C) : 5 pcs
3. final (W/C) : 5 pcs
total qty of Released Prod. Ord. : 10 pcs
the result is all the output is posting and next when I post the remain qty of output, it's only the final (W/C) available to fill/to be posted. Pls let me know how to cope with this. ](*,) #-o :-k