I can get CFRONT and .NET working fine with a native database, however when i try to ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase and use SQL database i continually get the below error.
Error Code: 6146856 - Error Message: The SQLSVR01 server cannot be found.
All the login details are correct, the server is up and running, i cant see where im going wrong.
Can anybody help?
What method do you use?
Can you post string which you use?
I propose use:
Sub ConnectServerandOpenDatabase(ByVal DriverName As String, ByVal ServerName As String, ByVal NetType As String, ByVal DatabaseName As String, ByVal CacheSize As Long, ByVal UseCommitCache As Boolean, ByVal NTAuthentication As Boolean, ByVal UserID As String, ByVal PassWord As String)
Be sure you have cfrontsql.dll in directory where is your example compiled.
but now have the below error when trying to connect.
Error Code: 6148869 - Error Message: The Session table has no ROWVERSION column in the SQL Server view description. A ROWVERSION column is required when BLOB fields have been defined.
Im using VB.NET and the line of offending code is
CF.ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase(ServerName, NetType, DBName, CommitCache, UseCommitCache, UseNTAuth, UName, PWord)
Session isn't table, it is view. But i didn't see this field in it.
Can you connect to this database with Navision?
Maybe there are problems in SQL?
Is the database really 4.0 SP1?
I was trying to open my v400 db, the 401 works fine!