list of databases on a server

abtmnabtmn Member Posts: 27
I'm building a form in navision and would like to access a list of "non-navision" SQL Server databases.

Ultimately, I would like to have the user select from a list of databases. I looked at the Database table...but this only tells you the navision databases. Anyone have any ideas?


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    creat a view in sql and link it to navision table. The view will be a list of all the databases on sql
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    You can't open a non-Navision database in Navision anyway, so it's not a strange idea to only see Navision databases :).

    The application designers guide has all the information you need to create SQL Server views and linking them to Navision.
  • ermannogermannog Member Posts: 9
    Excuse me but it possible from an externa application
    have the list of SQL Server Navision Databases?

    The Navision client in the Open Database Dialog show only
    the Navision Database how is possible do it without connect
    to the database (and check for example the tables)?

    I think that the Navision client retrive the info from the master db
    but I not know what check.
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