I read somewhere on forum that this won't work at all cause native database does not support it.
Microsoft says it can be problems, and therefore sql option should be used.
Anyone have any experience on this matter? I mean one database, several companies, where all companies have different languages.
Navision developer
This is where the problem is. As long has the other companies don't use the objects from another country version you are OK.
What I had to do for this client was to load the Spanish Mexican inthe objects as well as the Spanish Spain and and change the Spanish Mexican to Spanish Spain.
Customer didn't want to pay extra for another langauge pack.
Sales people sell clients clouds sometimes.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Navision doesn't work with different codepages in one db. It is if russian from computer with cyrilic code page will add text to Navision, english man with another code page will see wrong characters.
So use SQL as you can set different code pages for different db. But different clients with different codepages can't see correct characters in the same database.
I guess they would all use the english objects (with translation to the different countries) and then users work in their own windows language.
The problem Microsoft spoke of was that there could be problems when making a backup. To me this sounds very dangerous.
How do you solve a multicodepage database with SQL? Just uncheck validate codepage and then choose a fitting collation? What if a user with another language than the one in the collation connects?
russian client -> db1, company1
english client -> db1, company2
But one database means the same sorting order for all companies in it and more trouble - the same uppercase converting table for all companies. This can get results when code fields values are converted from lower case fields (seach name) and this convertions is wrong. Because seach name is key field, navision goes crazy, get errors about database damages, you can't make backups, database tests and so.
Sorting order table and uppercase table is loaded from stx file during database creation and can't be changed later.
You can set different code page for every database, so there will be no problems.
Just turn off "validate code page". This will allow connect to this database from client which has another code page. Or turn on (default) if you want to prevent do this.
I read your question one more time and....
Code pages are set for databases but not for companies. In SQL server we can have many databases and many companies in every database. So companies in one database will have the same code page, but companies in different database can have different code pages.
The same asa in Native Navision.
But the codepage cannot be choosen. It is always the same codepage.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
If I use one database and two companies it will still work with SQL but there could be a problem with the sorting since you can not choose "Swedish, Russian" as a collation?
Thank you for all input on this!