Hello. Found this bug in Navision 4.0 and Navision SP1. for Aged customer report 10040. Probably the same applies Aged Accounts Payable report.
Here is the problem in version 3.x and previously Navision has 2 additional datatimes on this report that looks at customer ledger entries closed before and after. The report uses an array to keep track of amount and remaining amount based on aged as of date.
The problem is that these dataitems have been removed from 4.0. Instead it uses a temporary custledgerentry and inserted the records into the table. And this is where the problem is.
If you have the following entries
Doc type..............doc no..............posting date
application was done on 11/17/05 which creates two detail cust. ledger entries with entry type application with posting date 11/17/05
When you run the report with aged as of 9/30/05, based on transaction date, you should see the first invoice in when the report is printed in detail .
The problem is that you don't. Has anybody seen this?
How could they have redisigned the report so much and forget the whole point of the report is to run it as of date.
I loaded the 3.7 report in 4.0 and ran it but didn't see the details either.
Am I missing something.
Ahmed Rashed Amini
Independent Consultant/Developer
https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n 0
The report only looks ledger entries which are open and posted before the date of the aging.
Why would you look only at open entries? It should look at all the entries.
You run the report to find out that as of this date, how much did the customer owe me.
I can't believe nobody has looked at their aging reports that closely.
I fixed it by remove the filter open = true from the <Cust. Ledger Entry> dataitem.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n