Report 795 Adjust Cost - Item Entries

awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
Hi all,

Regarding version 3.7

This report itself is relitively simple in that it basically just calls a codeunit (5895 - Inventory Adjustment), and the code is all in there.

I want to be able to filter by item #, so I will have to change the codeunit. My thought though is that if the code could easily be changed to work like this that the report would have been designed that way in the first place.

Does anyone see anything wrong with using a parameter to filter down the code within the report? I will willingly say I am not sure what the code is doing, accounting wise, because I haven't looked into it yet.



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    We've done it for one of our client who hadn't ran adjust cost for several years and had a 20 gig db. As you know, when you run the routine it locks everything.
    So we modified the codeunit to run adjust cost with item filters. You have to put the code in right place, but it works.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • fruttafrutta Member Posts: 16
    Maybe the first thing you should do , is add variabel in the report to hold your item no.

    then you create function in the codeunit so you can pass that variable in the codeunit

    before the report call the codeunit, pass the variable first.
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Frutta,
    how is weather there ? it's nice to see your return :):):)
    I am very surprised...

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