We need to read a web page from Navision and have been unsuccessful in our attempts. The design calls for an integration with another system that uses http post and returns information as a web page. Posting information to the form has been very successful, reading has not.
My question is, "Is there a dirrerent method than this OCX Control to read a web page, or is there a better way to use this control?"
The variable Http is set as an OCX, subtype: Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 (SP4)
According to everything I have been able to read the openurl function should return a variant that is the page contents. All that we receive is an unprintable character.
Here is the sample code we're attempting to use:
Http.Protocol := 4; //2=FTP, 4=HTTP.
vRemoteHost := '
Http.RequestTimeout := 30;
vVariant := Http.OpenURL(vRemoteHost);
//Http.URL := vRemoteHost;
//vVariant := Http.OpenURL;
//Http.Execute(vRemoteHost,'GET index.htm c:\GotIt.txt');
//vSize := 250;
//vVariant := Http.GetChunk(vSize);
Counter := Counter + 1;
IF vVariant.ISTEXT THEN MESSAGE('Variant is Text'); //This works!
UNTIL (NOT Http.StillExecuting) OR (Counter = 30);
IF Http.ResponseCode = 0 THEN BEGIN
MESSAGE('Length = %1',STRLEN(vVariant)); // Length is always =1
vtext := COPYSTR(vVariant,1,250);
// vInstream := vVariant;
MESSAGE('Text variant = %1',vText); //Always returns an unprintable character
Just a comment: Remember the string variable in Navision is max 1024 chars. If you try to put a web page in a string you might have a problem.
The variable that we are reading into is type variant, and then we were using copystr to get a small portion to our text variable.
Thanks for the ideas.
I had to do something similar. I call the openurl function with a url that consists of the server address and some parameters. The server should then generate a new coded url and send it back to navision.
Then navision should open a browser window and open that new coded url.
I had the same problem with the return value. Then I changed the type for the return value from "Variant" to "Text" and it worked. This is just for some short return values possible, and not for big sites, as lzr already mentioned.
Best Regards