Looping with a temp table

DnealDneal Member Posts: 103
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm new with Navision reporting so please forgive me if I sound confusing.

I have a dataitem from the Payroll Ledger Entry table and within that dataitem I'm filling a temp table in the form of the Payroll Journal Line table called PayrollLine.

In the Payroll Ledger Entry ONDataPreItem() I have this:

TransferData(PayrollLine,"Payroll Ledger Entry"); //a function to populate the temp table
SETRANGE("Payroll Control Type","Payroll Control Type"::"Net Pay");

and in the Payroll Ledger Entry OnAfterGetRecord() I have this:

PayrollLine.SETCURRENTKEY("Employee No.","Document No.");
PayrollLine.SETRANGE("Employee No.","Payroll Ledger Entry"."Employee No.");
PayrollLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","Payroll Ledger Entry"."Check No.");

I get an error saying it can't find a record in the Payroll Journal Line table with that filter. But if I filled it from the same table, how I could be getting this error?

I'm not sure if this is enough information to have a response, but any thoughts are appreciated. I'm a little tired of the head bashing. ](*,)



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