I need an access from MS Biztalk in a Database Functoid in a Biztalk 2004 Mapping with ADO.
In the past I did with an access to a MS SQL Database.
This works.
The Access with ADO to a MS SQL Database works like this:
in the Functoid "Database Lookup" an ADO Recordset is configured like this in the Connection String:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persists Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Data Source=SQLServerName
Behind this Functoid there is a Database Functoid "Value Extractor" which returns the wanted field value from the Database.
Now I want to configure an Read-Only Access to a Navision 4.00 Database (not SQL) with ODBC with ADO.
The ODBC Connection works (tested with MS Access)
Who can help me creating the Connection String for ADO?