Hi Guys,
I want to configure SQL Server 2000 to run at the most optimal with the amount of physically memory we have on our server. It is a high-end x86 dual xeon server with raid 1, raid 10 arrays with 4 gb of memory setup as a cluster. What settings do you recommend I set and how much shall i reserve for the SQL instance?
Don't run anything else but SQL-server.
Don't put the log-file and the DB-file(s) on the same disks.
Search for SQL on the forum for more info. There is a lot of it.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Here are some tips:
OS + SQL Server exe on one RAID1 array
Database files (mdf and ndf files) on separate RAID1+0 array
Log file on its own RAID1+0 array
That's most of the SQL Server finetuning that you can do with big performance gains.
You will also need Windows Entrprise Edition for SQL to use more than 2 GB of memory. Do not enable AWE memory on servers with less than 8 GB of memory.
The first choice for logfile placement is a dedicated RAID 1 array. This means NOTHING else is placed on this drive. The sql log is a sequentially accessed file. If the log file will not fit on a single drive, then span it across multiple RAID 1 arrays or use RAID 0+1.
Thanks for replying so quickly.
I do have Enterprise Edition and Windows Server Ent. 2003. We have 4 GB of physical memory so im thinking of allocating a fixed amount around 3 GB to SQL.
We have the quorum, log file and first part of the db on sep. dedicated Raid 1 arrays and the second (main) part of the db on a Raid 1+0 array.
Bearing in mind the Raid 1 volume that the log file is placed on is 72 gb, do you forsee this getting used up quite quickly with a 70 user database and a transaction log that will be backed up hourly.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!