sorting date

Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
Hi, I have a question. I create a report based the shipment header and shipment line and want to retrieve how many packages we sent out each day. This is a simple report, but it seems that the sorting of date is disordered because the system sort the data in shipment no automatically. When I try to the tableview property and try to sort the shipment date in an ascending order, but can't do it from there since it's not a key. If we could write some SQL code, everything would be solved in a minute. Can any expert tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks!


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    1) If you are working with SQL:
    -create a new index "Shipment Date". BUT DO NOT MAINTAIN IT IN SQL. So you can use it to sort on without the problem that it hinders performance

    2) Or better:
    -Save all the records you want to print in a temptable BUT
    -Put "Document No." in another field that is at least code20 or text20 and that you don't use on your report.
    -In "Document No.", put the date formatted as "YYYYMMDD".
    -when you print the records in the temptable, remember to sort on "Document No." and remember that the document no. is in another field.

    3) like 2) but create a new table with the needed keys and use this as temptable. Because it is a temptable, you don't need to put it in the license.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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