Starting time in production order routing

johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
Dear all experts,
I need your help to solve the hard to find solution problem that I face today. the problem is how the system navision determining starting time of the first machine or first work center in the production order routing and based on what formula (either the set up time exists or not)?
Why it never begins from 8.00 a.m.?
thank you.
Johnson "Psalm 23" Alonso


  • RongritRongrit Member Posts: 14
    In Navision, you have 2 type of scheduling direction, Backward and Forward. If your production order came from planning, it always used Backward scheduling. If you manually create a production order, you can select Forward or Backward.
    I think you generate production order from planning. So that's why it never begin from 8.00 for the first operation.

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Yes, you are correct. the schedulling is from planning. but I think before that it will be able to use back scheduling to have starting time right on 8.00 a.m in the prod. order that generated from planning. If someone here know it can make some changes so that the planning can generate prod. order in two options, maybe from 8.00 am, as first option and uncertainty as another option. so, navision backward schedulling is flexible.

    Johnson "British Metallist" Alonso
  • trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
    Hello everybody,

    If you want to get FORWARD scheduling for your production order from planning, the amount of your item has to be in the following situation:

    Reorder Point > Availability > Safety Stock Quantity

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    We can't use reorder point, because we use lot for lot and order. Our production environment is MTO and MTS.


    Johnson Alonso
  • trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
    Hi johnson alonso,

    the essential point that you get FORWARD scheduling is that the amount of your item has to be in the following situation:

    Availability > Safety Stock Quantity

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Do you mean availability here is parent or purchase item availability? if yes, it is impossible because if I have safety stock, I will not make a planning but if it's inventory, maybe there is any other way, because our MTO or MTS reorder cycle is LFL and order.


    Johnson Alonso
  • trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
    Hello Johnson Alonso,

    can you plz explain?
    What does it mean:


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Trancu,
    Please read the manufacturing manuals. You could find it in your near microsoft partners.

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    That's a bit harsh Johnson. Cmon you can explain it. 8)
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear All,
    I think it would be impossible that everyone here doesn't know what MTS, MTO and LFL if he is user of navision, consultant and technical or even owner. It's a basic. If I will explain here, what the function of manual books then. I am not arrogant but I just want that this forum will not focus only on definition, please, take a time to study manuals if it's only relate to definition.

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear All,
    I think Navision couldn't give a starting time begins on 8.00 am if using routing or machine center when we plan an order from sales order using order promising, sales order planning windows or planning windows. But there is an alternative that is using lead time calculation field in replenishment tab on the item card, for e.g. 10D, 1W or 3M. but if there is another way, I will await.

    Johnson Alonso

    "tell me what kind a man would I be"
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