Hi all!
I have the following problem in Navision 4.0. w1 -> Manufacturing -> Execution -> Consumption Journal.
When I tried to report “inputs” (raw mat. or components) consumption based on actual outputs quantities the program does not calculate correctly. The components quantities are calculated like in the case of expected output option selection. ](*,)
For example:
Product – Item A = 100 PCS,
Component – Item B = 100 PCS (1 B to manufacture 1 A),
Finished Qty. Item A = 50 PCS,
In Consumption Journal the system calculates 100 PCS for B not 50 PCS.
In Navision 3.60 and 3.70 the system calculates correctly.
Please, HELP ME!
Thank you!
If you don't do this and you have flushing=Forward or backward on the component, it will consume all of it.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I am wondering if something is wrong in Navision 4.0 version.
One part from ChangesInNav4.0SP1.doc:
and there are many others. May be that some is solving your problem...[/code]
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I reiterate again the following problem in: Manufacturing , Execution , Consumption Journal (flushing method = manual).
The program does not calculate correctly the components quantities of items based on the actual outputs (the quantity of finished goods that was previously reported in output journal). The quantities are calculated like in the case of expected output option selection.
I have reported this bug in the past (in January) for MBS Navision 4.0. I have tested it again on Navision 4.0 SP1, but, unfortunately the bug still persists. In Navision 3.6 and 3.7 the system calculate correctly.
Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you!
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I think navision can't provide automatic flushing component based on actual output of parent item/product eventhough you have set it in the prod. BOM. Navision only provide manual, forward and backward. there is no relation between component consumption and output consumption If it's about actual, all is based on expected output. also, they have different ledge entries name or place. you must put manually the consumed component in the journal, if you post output based on actual output.
Johnson Alonso
"through the never"
detail in:
Dear Johnson Alonso, I haven't seted up automatic flushing. This bug encountered when I worked with manual flushing. In the following, I will present the testing procedure used:
1. Data preparation:
1.1. Manufactured item no: 1150
Replenishment system: Production order
Manufacturing policy: Make-To-Stock
Routing no: 1150
Production BOM no: 1150 (composed from 1151 and 1155)
Rounding precision: 1
Flushing method: Manual
Lot size: 10
Reordering policy: Fixed Reorder Quantity
Reorder cycle: none
Safety Lead time: none
Safety Qty: none
Reorder point: none
Reorder Qty: none
Minimum order qty: none
Maximum order qty: none
Order multiple: none
1.2. Purchased items no: 1151 and 1155
Rounding precision: 0
Flushing method: Manual
Lot size: none
Reordering policy: Fixed Reorder Quantity
Reorder cycle: none
Safety Lead time: none
Safety Qty: none
Reorder point: none
Reorder Qty: none
Minimum order qty: none
Maximum order qty: none
Order multiple: none
2. Manufacturing order procedure
2.1. Create a released production order for 100 PCS of 1150 Item with a due date 7th March 2006;
2.2. Refresh the production order;
2.3. Check the production item components and check the availability for items 1151 and 1155. If the stock for items 1151 and 1155 is no available, purchase these items.
2.4. Go to the Output Journal and report the production finishing for 50 PCS of 1150.
2.5. Go to the Consumption Journal and try to report the components consumption corresponding for 50 PCS of 1150 previously reported in Output Journal. Select the Posting date = 7th March 2006, calculation base on = Actual output. The system proposes to consume 100 PCS for items 1151 and 1155, which is wrong. The right quantity must be 50 PCS!
3. Conclusion
The program does not calculate correctly the quantities of items based on the actual outputs (the quantities of finished items that were previously reported in output journal). The quantities are calculated like in the case of “expected output” option selection.
The same bug encountered in Navision 4.0 and Navision 4.0 SP1 (English version).
In Navision Attain 3.6 and 3.7 the quantities are calculated correctly.
Thank in advance for any helpfully response!
have you ever set the field preset output qty in the manufacturing setup to zero on all operations ? I have no problem with the using of posting consumption based on actual output qty. posted, the cons. journal generates the qty as same as the output posted. I set manual flushing, fixed reorder qty and lot for lot, I post the output first half of the total, then consumption using journals. It means there are something wrong with your navision 4.0 SP1 but in my navision there are no bugs.
if you still can't post, trying to active debugger command in your navision to show you what error happened.
Johnson Alonso
"stronger than all"
detail in:
I have done the same exercise as you mentioned. But if i'm doing actual consumption system proposes to consume 50 pcs for 1151 and 1155. and if i'm doing expected consumption, system proposes to consume 100 pcs for 1151 and 1155.
I have done this exercise in 4.0 SP1.
I think something is wrong with your database, b'coz in 4.0 may be it's not correct. So do the exercise with 4.0 SP1.