TARGIT Business Analytics

aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213

Does somebody have experience with the Business Analytics by TARGIT?

It looks very flashy (sales people sure must love the world map :D )

I don't get it to work though.

I have created the cubes with Analysis Services by Microsoft and it's all fine so far but how do I connect the tool with it?

At the beginning when trying to connect to my Server says "Login Fail" but where should I set this login up? The SQL database has this login for sure and so does the Analysis Server database.

I don't see any place in the Business Analytics client where to change the source of the data! :shock: I assume that it will automatically take it from the "Business Analytics Enterprise Manager" when that stops crashing and connects finally to the Analysis Services Server.

There is few information in the web about that :(

Apart from this, does have somebody any comment about how good it is for the DataMining purposes? Do you recommend another one?

Thanks! :P

That's certainly something unavoidable for the next 3-4 years.
Navision Developer


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    For Navision, this service is called Business Analytics Advance, and you can download the install CD from Microsoft. On the CD is configuration and this configuration will connect the ANT server to the Navision cube created in BA Basic. The configuration can be run through "BAConfigurator40.exe -mAdvanced" command.

    The permissions can be set in BA Enterprise Manager in Security...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    Be also aware the difference between version 3.70 and 4.00. In version 3.70 the DWH is created when installing from the cd. In version 4.00 you must define the cubes IN Navision and run the configurator from there.

    If you don't have the advanced option you can connect with Excel via Olap connection.

    Make sure you have administrator rights on the sql server and run the tools on the database server.

    Good luck, it's a struggle but it's worth it....
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Thanks! :P

    Yes. I am running this configurator (UK version) but when running it I got "The Analysis Services Database BA for Navision 40 was not found".

    I have a CRONUS in the SQL with the fob from the same CD installed. My cubes have this CRONUS as the source.

    So why is that I can't make the link? :-k

    Navision Developer
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    Did you install sql2000, with Service Pack 3 and with the analysis services part?
    Are you running the configurator on the database server (it connects to the localhost) ?
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Yes I have:

    In the server:
    -SQL SP4
    -Analysis Services (from the same CD that SP4)
    -Navision 4 with a database CRONUS in SQL with the mods. (form 700...)
    -The BA Analyisis Enterprise Manager and the BA.
    -Cubes created in Analysis Services

    But when I run the Configurator (CD, Navision or command) it says the same: "The Analysis services database...." :-k

    I feel I am losing something... :?

    Navision Developer
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Step by step:

    1) Define Cubes in NA
    2) Update XML on selected BA Database in NA
    3) Call configurator from NA for the selected BA Database (It will create the database "BA for Navision 40" on your server)
    4) Run Configurator for BA Advanced (From CD or with the command I posted earlier) - it will connect ANT Server to the BA Database.
    5) Set the security in BA Enterprise Manager
    6) Run BA Client, connect to the server...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    :P :P :P :P :P Thanks :P :P :P :P :P

    I'm on step three. When launching the configurator (from the server) says:

    "Access violation at address 004DGA9E in module 'BAConfigurator40.exe'. Read of Address 0000000C"

    :shock: :-s :roll:

    When doing it from a non-server says "server does not exist..." or something like that but never mind that one :wink:

    Any ideas? Somebody found that first? :?

    I really hope this Business Analytics worth it because the process is a bit painful. #-o

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
    Navision Developer
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Uninstall/Install the BA again. The problem will be solved...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    The message about the server is because the Configurator must be run on the server with Analysis services...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Just if you knew how many times I've installed (both W1 and UK1) the BA :roll:

    Now in installing it i get an error saying that the ANT Server cannot install...
    :x :x :x :x

    This service cannot be started manually and it is created (and supposed to start) by the BA installation.

    There is nothing on the web about this error. ](*,)

    PD: Yes I am only trying in the server :P
    Navision Developer
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Maybe is because I have SP1 in the server. Is it possible? :-s
    Navision Developer
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213


    No one found that error before me?? :
    "Access violation at address 004DGA9E in module 'BAConfigurator40.exe'. Read of Address 0000000C"


    Are those TARGIT guys aware of the error in their program? :roll:
    Navision Developer
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    aleix1979: uninstall/install - I had this error many times. Everytime the uninstall/reinstall process helped...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • AlcaAlca Member Posts: 11
    I have the same problem, uninstall/install doesn't help
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Uninstall (BA Basic, BA Advanced and other packages connected to BA - there are sometimes packages about DTS for BA)...
    Delete the Business Analytics folder
    Install BA Basic
    Install BA Advanced

    More info you can get in log files. If you have still problems and the uninstall/install did not help, send service incident to MS.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • AlcaAlca Member Posts: 11
    OK ! Thanx
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    It doesn't work for me. ](*,)

    I uninstall all programs related to BA. I delete the folder. Install Basic. Install Advanced and get again

    "Access violation at address 004DGA9E in module 'BAConfigurator40.exe'. Read of Address 0000000C"


    Alca can you give me a clue? Did it work for you? [-o<

    I tried to create a support incident in MS but they try to charge me!!

    [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X
    [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X [-X

    [-( =;
    Navision Developer
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Charge you? Did you mean the message about possible charge you need to accept to enter the incident? It is only message, you can skip it, if you will report this error, you will be not charged for it...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Good to know. Thanks :P

    I'll try it now and see :roll:
    Navision Developer
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Sorry, not "skip" it, but check it, they will not charge you... I had the problems with this too, when I saw it for the first time. But the answer for my question was: no, we will not charge you for error reporting.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Yes but you have to put the details... :x

    Do you think that with a "Partner Flex" support plan they will not charge? :?

    I don't quite trust them. :roll:
    Navision Developer
  • jthjth Member Posts: 16
    "Access violation at address 004DGA9E in module 'BAConfigurator40.exe'. Read of Address 0000000C"

    Your Cubes and Dimensions configuration in the Navision is not correct.
    Possibly a empty line.
    After fixing the Cubes and Dimensions configuration in the Navision it will work.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    For more error description in this cases is good to enable error loging on Analysis services and check this log. There can be problems like when you have some budget to account which is of type Begin-total...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
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