Credit Memo error "Appl. from Item Entry..."

COIBoyCOIBoy Member Posts: 17
I just launched Navision in my small business and the company who implemented it did not a very good job on educating us on how to use Navision. Well, I found this forum by chance and noticed that there a lot of very smart people here who use Navision and was hoping you could help.

I am trying to post a credit memo from either the Return Shipment or Credit Memo screen but it keeps asking me to point EACH LINE to an application entry. I have about 120 lines (items) being posted fo each credt so it is a real pain to have to go through each one and find the appropriate application entry. Is there a way to post a credit memo using the copy document function and without entering an "appl.from item entry" value? Or is there a way for Navision to auto-fill these fields?

Thank you.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    In sales and receivables there is an check box field called Exact cost reversing if you uncheck that field, you don't need to specify the item ledger.
    So here are the option, if you uncheck that flag, You would need to put the cost on the items as you are bringing back items into inventory. If you are ok with that then you can uncheck the flag.

    No I'm sorry but there is no option to aufill that appl. from item entry on credit memo field.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • COIBoyCOIBoy Member Posts: 17
    Thank you very much. Your knowledge and insight is very appreciated :D
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