Loaner Items

shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
Dear Experts

Is there a possibilty that I can view the HISTORY of a LOANER item?
Like to whom it has been lent, duration, Stock verification in Inventory and time it has to be returned by the customer and so on???



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    It looks like you have a modified system. In standard navision you can't loan inventory. You can purchase and sales the items among other things.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Shilpa,
    I come again. If I am not wrong, I think it relates to service management module, you simply open order processing, select loaner card, Press F5, if the item no. doens't exist , then add by this way : tools---> designer ---> open field menu and add item no. as a new column to view loaner item no.. afterwards, close all and ok. go back to loaner list, then tools again ---> object designer ---> add field name "inventory". then set what the fields need to make the inventory can run. I wish you know.
    to see the history of loaner just go back to loaner list then press Ctrl+F5.
    then the loaner entries will inform you everything you need to know about the loaner item except inventory/stock verification. You must create the field of inventory. :)


    Johnson "Peace for Galilee" Alonso
  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    Hi johnson,

    Thanks for your reply... U've been an active member today ans my questions...

    For the Loaner I know al about seeting it up and even how to lend it and receive it.
    But All I want to know is that can I see the inventory updates on Loaners plus history of loaners like when I've lent it to whom etc.... Dos Naviosion suport such report or they've to customized ?

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear Shilpa,
    may I know what version of navision do you use now ? but according to your question, I think we need to make some customisation especially when we need to view inventory updates + history of loaners in a report format. I use vers. 4.0 SP1, I can see them in loaner entries except inventory qty and I also can't print the loaner entries and the historical data except if I made some changeover in the service order card and loaner entries.

    Johnson "PFG" Alonso
  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    Hi Johnson

    I also use version 4.0.....
    My client wants an inventory check of the loaned items...
    do think it is possible to customize it?

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Shilpa,
    I am sure we could make some customizations for it but here if there is a money there is a service :) , everything can be customised in navision if there is a payment.

    I think you can do it... :wink:

    Johnson SDW Alonso
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