Dear Experts
is there a possibility that we can view the Sales Quotes given to a customer even after it's been converted into an order?????
If yes how do I do it?
If no what is the alternative ???? the client will want to see the quote given to it's customer......... for a fture reference... how to handle this?
You might use the archiving function. In the converting process, you can archive the quote. You must also put the archive-form on the menu.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Johnson "Yom Kippur War" Alonso
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In case it disappears, you just have to fix the code so it doesn't disappear. This should be a minor change.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
In case it disappears, you just have to fix the code so it doesn't disappear. This should be a minor change.
I use navision 4.0 SP1. I actually have seen in the object designer that sales line or header archive table (version list only 3.70A,ID 5108), consists of quote and order, and it is a table. But it isn't available in the sales order or sales quote before there is a change or adding the sales line or header archive in your navision. after that, we can use it to avoid the missing quote.
Johnson "Peace For Galilee" Alonso
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I am sure you have succeesfully done what you want. but hopefully you won't hate me if I write my way as follows:
1. open sales order
2. click tool --> designer of the sales order
3. right click "function button"
4. just make new line and write "sales line arc&hive" in column "caption"
5. then in the column action select "runobject" the column runobject column press f6 to seek object 5108 (table sales line archive"
7. close the window to return to no. 2
8. close all and choose OK.
now we can see our archives either quote or order but we must add the report menu because it's not available print button there.
Johnson "Peace for Galilee" Alonso
"May Mr. Ariel Sharon will be health soon"-Jehovah Rappha
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I'd like to renew the archiving document that I wrote yesterday because the answer I gave yesterday will be able edited by the viewer or another user so I want to change the method by adding as follows:
FORM.RUNMODAL(FORM::"Sales Quote Archive",SalesHeaderArchive);
in your sales quote function menu items, after you add in the menu button-menu designer "sales &Quote Archive. Afterwards, eventhough our sales quote has been disappeared, our archive would not. Just simply click function button and select Sales Quote Archive. The header of your sales quote will appear and if you press F5, list of archived docs will be shown.
I think by the above way anyone except original user won't be able to make some change for sales quote already made.
Johnson SDW Alonso
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I tried doin the above....
I'm unable to view any Quotes listed...infact the sales quote archeive list is empty.....
Can you tell me why? Or in detailed explain the procedure?
-Designer (=Ctrl+F2) of the header.
-click the functions button
-View=>menu items
-Create a new menu-item somewhere in the structure
-properties of the menuitem
-Caption=Quote Archives
-runobject=Form Sales List Archive
-RunFormLink=Document Type=FIELD(Document Type)
-Save the form.
-When you click the new menuitem, a list will open and show all archived quotes.
-In that list, you can add the "No.".
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
the sales quote archive list could be grab by two ways, one of them like what Mr/Ms. Kriki wrote, beside my way. I think you must call the technical if you still have problem with that. :-k
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Now it finally worked.
Actually before making it into an order I did not give the "archeive document" fromthe functions tab. That was the problem
thanks goodness then if it's been success.
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
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