What should I do in order to enter Sales & Service tax for an item????
Kindly explain the prerequisites so that such taxes appear in the order Print preview..
For sales tax, I would suggestion reading the sales tax manual. It is pretty clear and straight forward. For service tax, everything will be the same, except on sales line you'll select a different tax group code "Service". And in tax detail you'll need to specify for every jourisdiction the tax group code "Service" the rate ("Tax below Minimum");
Ahmed Rashed Amini
Independent Consultant/Developer
For sales tax, I would suggestion reading the sales tax manual. It is pretty clear and straight forward. For service tax, everything will be the same, except on sales line you'll select a different tax group code "Service". And in tax detail you'll need to specify for every jourisdiction the tax group code "Service" the rate ("Tax below Minimum");
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n