intercompany, include inventory and item availability

johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
Dear All,
I need your help to solve me the problem as follows:
recently, I did a demo presentation about intercompany
posting in a company use intercompany transaction of AR/AP.
after I generate supply order from planning worksheet
carry out action message, I sent IC Purchase Order
so that it appears in IC inbox transaction and processing it. I open
the other company as a vendor that receive the PO and look the inbox transaction
I accept the PO, and want to complete line action, the
result is not okay, how I was very ashame, the warning appeared
is "the item no. doesn't exist", how it could be happened?
I wish I could receive the PO and change it to be Sales Order.But why this
little problem out of the microsoft dynamics team view ? don't they think
it will influence the sale of navision ERP software and microsoft famous name?
if I made Purchase Order manually, it work successfully and nothing happened
but useless the facility of planning worksheet.If every demo, I will face
the same things, I will be stressful and will disgrace the company I work for.
B. Item availability
I read in the help (F1) of navision about definition of planned receipts is
items from replenishment order proposals which include planned prod. ord.,plnng
worksheet and requisition worksheet, but when I check item availability
by periods after calculate regenerative plan, the column named planned order
receipts (not planned receipts) is empty, on the other hand, the planned order releases
is filled with the qty as same as in the planning worksheet,after I drill down,
the qty origins from the planng wo rksheet.
why this such an error disregard by microsoft dynamics, do we also say,"nothing
is perfect in this world", in front of client or customer?
C. The function of include inventory
I am not very sure with using navision. it seems the manual book explanation differs from
the software itselfs. escpecially when I choose reordering policy lot for lot (LFL)
exclude inventory either for parent item A (in inventory qty A = 202 unit and
its raw material (purchased item) B (qty B in inventory 2 unit, purchased item UOM lbs
(1 lbs = 0.01 unit)) however..., when I create 400 unit sales order, the planning
worksheet calculation still included the inventory qty, it's really difficult to believe
because the projected balance calculation must disregard the inventory.
do you all know and let me know why these problems kick my a** and disgrace me ?
please let me know your sugestions/opinions. :-k :-k ](*,)

Johnson "Yom Kippur War" Alonso


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