We don't have license to write trigger in the form. Right now I create a tabular type form and at the bottom, there are three button, OK, Cancel, Help. When I run the form, I can only view HELP button. Is it the only way to make OK and CANCEL button work if we use trigger? Any other way to make it work as we have no way?
You are focused too much on trying to make the form work, and ou need to learn about tables first. Then you can utilize default table behaviour in forms and figure out how default form properties behave. The stuff that you are trying to do is really very easy when you have a properly designed database.
What you need to do is buy the development training material and study it. You could also start out with the application designer's guide if you can't spend the money.
You have form A. ther you have a menu button. When you press the Menubutton its open Form B. When you select a record in Form B and press ok you will see the Record in Form A :?:
What would you do :?: