Using temporary table to create lookup for a field

jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115
Hi all.

I have the following problem.

I have a field "Vendor No." in a table that is related to the Vendor table, but in the OnLookup trigger I want to restrict the displayed values.

So, I create a temporary table VendorsTemp (T23) and a form VendorList (F27).

I use the following code in the OnLookup trigger of the "Vendor No." field to fill the temporary table VendorsTemp.
PurchRcptLineAssgmnt.SETRANGE("Document No.", "Document No.");
PurchRcptLineAssgmnt.SETRANGE("Document Line No.", "Document Line No.");
IF PurchRcptLineAssgmnt.FIND('-') THEN
    IF Vendors.GET(PurchRcptLineAssgmnt."Vendor No.") THEN
      VendorsTemp := Vendors;
  UNTIL PurchRcptLineAssgmnt.NEXT = 0;

The VendorsTemp table gets filled OK.

How do I display the VendorList form as Lookup and when the user clicks on a Vendor, the field "Vendor No." is filled in appropriately?

I tried some approaches, but I can't get it to work right.

Any suggestions?



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    The easiest way to restric the vendor list is to set that restriction in the table relation property of the field itself. That way you don't have to program anything.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    In this case, you need the "How to do form based on temporary table".

    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • XMLXML Member Posts: 10
    If you need to more complex conditions than a TABLE RELATION property can offer, you display a form like thish:
    VendorList.lookupmode := true;
    if Vendorlist.RUNMODAL = ACTION::LookupOK then

    Afterwards VendorsTemp contain the selected records.
  • jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115
    It is far too complicated to use the TableRelation propery.

    I used the following code
    VendorList.LOOKUPMODE := TRUE;
    IF VendorList.RUNMODAL = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
      "No." := VendorsTemp."No.";

    But I have 2 problems:
    1. All the records from the Vendor table are displayed and not the ones in the VendorsTemp record.
    2. When I double click on a vendor in the form, the original field does not change.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    SETRECORD for temporary table is not enough. Please, read the forum about the temporary tables and you can read for example "How to create report based on temporary table" - it is very similar.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115
    I have tried most of the solutions that are presented in this forum, but I couldn't find one for my problem.

    I tried using the following code
    IF FORM.RUNMODAL(0,VendorsTemp) = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
      Rec."No." := VendorsTemp."No.";

    Now, the correct records are displayed in the lookup window, but when I click on OK, the value is not transferred in the original table.
    If I use the MESSAGE function to find out the value that is returned, it is the correct one. But the original field is not updated with the value I clicked on in the lookup form.

    Thank a lot
  • frankmortensenfrankmortensen Member Posts: 42
    Instead of:
    Rec."No." := VendorsTemp."No.";
    You should use:

  • jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115
    Finally, I found the solution to my problem.

    I found in another topic that when you set the value of the field after the user has clicked on OK, you must use
    IF FORM.RUNMODAL(0,VendorsTemp) = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
      VALIDATE("No.", VendorsTemp."No.");
    instead of
    IF FORM.RUNMODAL(0,VendorsTemp) = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
      "No." := VendorsTemp."No.";

    And if you are viewing the table from the Object Designer, the value is not transferred from the lookup table to the field.
    Instead, if you run the FORM and try to use the lookup table, the field gets updated normally.

    Thanx everyone for your help
  • colingbradleycolingbradley Member Posts: 162
    I had what looked like a similar problem, I needed to get a list of Vendors based on The Purchase Header.Order Type (Option) and the Vendor.Status

    The Table Relation works just fine:

    IF (Order Type=CONST(" ")) Vendor ELSE IF (Order Type=CONST(Controlled)) Vendor WHERE (Status=FILTER(<>'')) ELSE IF (Order Type=CONST(Ancillary)) Vendor

    This works also with using a FILTERGROUP in the Vendors List form:

    IF UserSetup."Block Old Vendors" THEN
    SETFILTER("No.", '<%1','X');

    Bye the way, I wanted to use a filter like '<>%1', 'X*'
    But that will not work, anyone know why?
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