g/l conistency error

Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
edited 2006-02-03 in Navision Financials
Please can someone help. I am using Navision 2.6 and getting the following error when trying to post and invoice in purchase and payables


i know that this stems from code-unit 12, and its an inbalance in the g/entry most like.have messaged various amount and it seems as tho the difference is quite large. I now had a few invoices which i am unable to post



  • bobnavisionbobnavision Member Posts: 159
    Check setups , you might be missing nominal code in one of the setups.
    or there is no balancing account somewhere...
  • frankmortensenfrankmortensen Member Posts: 42
    Or you could check if there is a "COMMIT" placed somewhere in the code it shouldn't be.
    If a COMMIT is called while a table is marked as inconstant, then you will not be able to complete the transaction. And an error like the described occurs.

  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    hi there,

    are you referring to the G/L setup? pls note that Im using version 2.6 as well
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    hi frank,

    have searched for commits, thsese seem to be in the right places

    any other suggestions?

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from Navision forum to Navision Financials forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261

    The error is probably being triggered during the GL Postings.

    I'm speaking on my experience with 3.6 and up, but I think the codeunit is the same.

    Check codeunit 12, the function FinishCodeunit.

    I know debugging is hard in 2.6, but here is where the CONSISTENT function is used. Every time this part of the codeunit is hit this function calculates the balance. Usually here is where you can figure out where the problem is coming from.

    If you cant debug, maybe the trust message box can help you.

    In my experience the sales tax is usually a common cause of posting problems. If this is the case you might want to check that setup too.

    Have fun - this is normally one of the most frustrating errors to deal with.

  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    thanks, Ive been through that and there differences in the amounts are quite large which makes me think thats it not a rounding issue??

    any other suggestions (about to pull my hair out on this end)
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    I guess the only suggestion is to try and match up each value from that section of code with a line / header of the document.

    Which value seems out of place (compared to the statistics form).

    Another option would be to take a backup / restore the database locally. Re-create the purchase order, one line at a time. Post after each line i.e. create the header and one line, post. If it posts, recreate the header and add the first 2 lines. Post. Repeat and continue.

    Maybe you will find that there is one line that is causing the issue. If it will never post, maybe the problem is on the header - maybe try changing some setup to post without tax, ort change the vendor. When you can figure out which VALUE is out of place, or which portion of the document (Vendor, tax, certian item) is causing the issue, then you might get closer to the setup.

    3rd option.

    In the test database, remove the consistent function from codeunit 12. See what posts. This might give you an idea of where the unbalanced line is coming from.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    there are several posts about the "Inconsistency" error

    Here's 1: http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7283

    Search the forum for "Inconsistency" to find more. Maybe they can help.
  • frankmortensenfrankmortensen Member Posts: 42
    Only other thing I can think of is: debug...
    Set a breakpoint in codeunit 12 in the "InsertGLEntry" function.
    Start posting the invoice causing the problem.
    Every time you reach the breakpoint write down the G/L account and amount that is being posted.
    After the error occurs - you will have a list of G/L entries and you'll be able to investigate which entry is missing or if there is one to many!

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Using debug is a good sugestion, except set the breakpoint in Function FinishCodeUnit in CU12. This is where the temp G/L entry records are flushed to the database. You will have less code to step through.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    hi all, thanks for the help

    Ive tried everything suggested, however to date have only been able to post after commenting out the consistent code in code unit 12. This i know cannot be done in the live database (wish it was that easy0 so still trying to find some kind of solution

    any suggestions are welcome

  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    If you can get it to post in a test environment when CONSISTENT is commented out - what was the result of the posting?

    You will end up with X number of entries, but they won't balance - which entry is off?

    Post them up and let us see.

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    I think you should check if there is a rounding problem regarding used taxes. That is mostly the cause of these inconsistency problems.

    Roelof de Jonghttp://www.wye.com
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    Hi there,

    with CONSISTENT commented out, everything runs fine but if i go back in the purchase order invoice screen, i cannot veiw that particular no again. This has happened to all 3 of them except for one, which i can still view but when i try and invoice it it says 'nothing to post'
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    Hi Roelof,

    Could you guide me through this check please, just to make sure that Im a doing it correctly

  • RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
    First try to delete,re-enter the lines and do a re-post unless you have received the PO already.
    Next go to the Purch&Payables Setup and check if you have the 'Invoice Rounding' field turned on.
    Also on the General Ledger Setup there is a field called 'Invoice Rounding Precision'. Play with this field and see if you get it to post.
    Other 2 fields which may play in this case are: GLSetup."Max. Diff. Allowed" and GLSetup."Tax Rounding Type".

    Roelof de Jonghttp://www.wye.com
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    Hi there,

    Iev only managed to get back to this issue now..

    Ive tried as suggested, - had no luck with the 1st 2 options however seeing that this is version 2.6 the G/L setup does not have the GLSetup."Max. Diff. Allowed" and GLSetup."Tax Rounding Type
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    It looks like you are on a different (older) version.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • Iris2006Iris2006 Member Posts: 22
    yes, Im on version 2.6
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