I need help from all the gurus...
Our company recently did a stock-take and then proceeded to post the Physical Inventory Adjustment in the system. After that, all Transfer Orders could no longer be posted anymore, both shipment and receipt, whether old ones or newly created ones.

I'm not too sure if the problems were caused by these actions by the users:
1) For incomplete Transfer Orders (i.e. shipped but not yet received), user changed the setting of the In-Transit Location and did the Negative/Positive Adjustments directly at the In-Transit Location. Now some lots are no longer in stock, or less/more in qty from what were shipped. So receipt couldn't be done at all. What can we do now?
2) As we found some lots with more physical qty than in the system, the Physical Inventory Adjustment would add another line in the Item Ledger Entry with the same lot number. This means that we are having some lots with two Open lines in the Item Ledger Entries. Would this be a cause for the Transfer Order unable be posted? If so, what should we do? The error message is "
Qty. to Handle (Base) must be xxx in Tracking Specification Entry No.='1'."
We are using 3.7 and not all hotfixes had been applied (i'm not sure how many were applied). We are currently not having any NSC's support (contract ended).
Do appreciate if someone can be so kind to help me on this. We can't transfer any materials from Warehouse to Production now and it's a serious problem for us.

Thanks in advance!
The system is not depending on how many entries are for each lot... there can be 100 open entries for each lot no. and you willnot have problem...
(for example when you are using some cost method, it is common)
Do you want some NSC support? ;-)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
The Reservations Entries and Transfer Orders are still showing the same qty, it's that the Item Ledger Entries had changed to either less qty, more qty, or zero (i.e. close) after the adjustments. So i don't know what to change in the Reservation Entries to resolve this problem. :?
As for my question no. 2, since multiple open entries shouldn't create a problem, then why are we having problem in posting newly created Transfer Orders? Does problem no. 1 affect all new Transfer Orders too? I thought Doc. No. should be the referenced key and shouldn't have impact on other Transfer Orders except those with In-Transit qty changed?
Oh, i sure need plenty of help from NSC but the problem is that my co freezes the funds...
Why the new TO cannot be posted I do not know, you have not included error which you have in this case...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
E.g. The TO was from location A to B and the In-Transit location is X. The transfer shipment for A is already done and the items are in X. Then the flow of event is as follows:
- User untick the "User as In-Transit" box in the setting for Location X
- Did Positive/Negative Adjusment to Location X directly
- Tick back the "User as In-Transit" box in the setting for Location X
- Unable to do transfer receipt for B anymore
As for the newly created TO, when we wanna post the transfer shipment, we get the error message as i mentioned in the first post:
"Qty. to Handle (Base) must be xxx in Tracking Specification Entry No.='1'."
I have a bad feeling that our data is really messed up beyond repair now...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
For instance, the physical items could no longer be found but it showed in the system as in Location X. So the user adjusted it out directly out from Location X (which was the wrong way of doing it).
Yes the pos. and neg. adj. corrupted many things.
1) You need to check reservation entries if there are correct quantities and references
2) On transfer order, there are hidden lines (they are filtered out on the form) - you need to look into the Transfer Order Line table directly. Check, if there are correct informations (the lines are created when you post the shipment)
3) You need check all fields on the transfer order if they are correct (something like that "Quantity (Base) - Qty. Shipped (Base) = Outstanding Qty. (Base)" etc.)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Just a brief description of what i did:
1) Reopen the partial Transfer Order
2) Enter the Transfer Order No. for the Positive Adjmt lots in Item Ledger Entries (need to make the field Transfer Order No. editable)
3) Change the Quantity (Base) in the Reservation Entry
4) Change the Quantity for the hidden line in the Transfer Line
5) Release the Transfer Order
6) Post receipt
Somehow, the system would create additional entries of the adjusted lots in the Reservation Entry for table 83 and would cause some errors later. I needed to delete away these entries since they were not used at all.
I'm so glad that this problem was resolved. Thanks again!