Hi all..
I would like to take some exams especially elective exams i.e.
manufacturing, costing and warehouse management. my last war is financial. could you send me the preparation guide for all of those items?
It's really important for me to take them to improve me in using navision in my company.
best wishes,
johnson 'six day war' alonso
--> full praise for SDW winner. Jehovah Elyon.
please share with me the topics of exam questions, for examples manufacturing set up, etc..
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If your company is doing Navision you should have a passport to access this site...
Good luck....
P.S. You really should do the Financials first...It will give you a good grounding on the others
tku for your suggestion to take financial first, but I don't have yet a self confidence to face it. also, tku for your info about the preparation guide. indeed, I know that, but I want my exams will not be known by my work place friend, and because it, I don't request the passport even I don't want to ask them how to get the passport for my self, or also passport the company owns.
never mind, I will struggle by my way.
Johnson Alonso
"la tenebre n'est point tenebre devant Toi, la nuit comme le jour est lumiere"
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