Dear Experts,
I’ve to create an item say 100, which has 10 components attached to it.
Let me explain it in detail… item 100 is a KIT item i.e, it is a huge item and cannot be shipped as such therefore is shipped in a package (considerably smaller) with it’s components (10 nos) dismantled.
Once it reaches the customer the service engineer would re mantle it.
These 10 components (which forms a single item100) are subject to service separately and is for warranty contracts.
I don’t think it’s a BOM item……if yes pls tell me how it is a BOM item….
And if not how do I create this item and how do I relate it with the Serial Nos for Service tracking?????
The client is a Trading company...
He buys these goods from a Vendor Overseas and stores it in a warehouse and sells it to the customer.....
These small components are subject to Service for sure....
2) You can for example, sell the parts separatly (as normal items) but to have some mod. which will create Service Item for each part and this service items will be part of some "Master" service item - the whole machine. And you ca do some mod. to see on the Invoice etc. the whole machine, not the parts... it is on you, what you need to see, what you need to have in system etc... We did solution like this for our customers (one machine, with some parts, sold as one, but service item for each part etc.)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Can you explain it clearly???
I partly get it and partly don't...
If you need to see only whole machine on invoice, you can modify the invoice report to print in this way, but you can have all parts on the invoice in system (of course, if this is not in conflict with local laws).
If it is not problem, that on invoice you have the parts, you can fill it in this way.
Than you only need to modify the lines to know that the parts are connected and are creating one machine together. After that you need to modify process of automatic creating service items to create one main service item with components (each component will have own service item card and they will be connected to one card - the main machine card). Or you can create the cards manually.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I think the item no. 100 is a parent item and the 10 units are the parent item's builder/parts. so that's why the 10 units could be BOM items. And if yes, you can use service item components list in the service item card to fill the 10 units eventhough the item no. 100 (parent item) replenishment system is purchase or you can use facility bill of materials assembly list in the item card after fill the BOM assembly list, in the service items components list you can click component button and select copy from BOM.
I think that's what Mr/Ms. Denster mean in his/her answer.
Johnson "Six Day War" Alonso
detail in:
Yes, but not directly from sales order, because from sales order it will create Service Item for each part, but they will be not connected to the main machine (there is no tool on the sales order to say "this is the main machine and other things are part of this").
MVP - Dynamics NAV