MBA-BA: configurator crashes

joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31

After setting the cubes, dimensions, measures etc., I try to run the
configurator to create the datawarehouse.
This is what happens then:

-> give password, I have no idea; I leave it blank
-> message: 'close Navision'
-> (I close Navision, and press 'ok')
-> no the message occurs: error during initialization. Acces violation at
adress 00469D7F in module 'BAConfigurator40.exe'. Read of address 00000000

Anyone has a clue what this can be.
This is the environment

Navision 4 NL
Native database
Service Pack 1 installed
SQL2000 server installed with service packs
Navision client runs on the SQL database server



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Try to uninstall and reinstall the BA Basic and than BA Advance...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    Thanks, re-installing BA basic and advanced helped. I also moved our database from native to sql, also you need to have the objects from sp1, not the fob file from partnersource!

    At this moment I have created cubes, but I cannot logon to the ANT server (BA enterprise manager, connect to Localhost).
    Anyone any ideas?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    After you create the cube with running configurator from Navision, you need to run configurator for BA Advance - see install cd, Server - BA Advance, there is second choise - configure BA Server. If you run this configurator, you will be asked for Navision program folder (I do not exactly why, but may be because the license file). This configurator will connect the ANT server to your cube created from Navision. After that you can use BA Enterprice Manager and look into security section. There is Windows security and you need to add some users or group which will have access to the BA. After you will setup this, you will be able to login through BA client under Windows account...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    Thanks again.

    I have tried several options.
    on the ANT server and deamon service:
    - use the localhost account
    - change the user to my domain user account (=login = administrator privs)
    - use the BAUSER account (which is created by the 'configure' option)

    The configure option on the BA-cd seems only to succeed if the ANT services use my login account

    But still.... I can't login to the analysis enterprise manager, so I can't setup users for the BA application.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You do not need to change the account for the ANT service!

    You need add your account into security:

    Business Analytics Enterprise Manager - Localhost - Security
    select "Windows Security", click Access Rights, add your account or some group and set the privileges...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    I'm afraid I can't get there as I cannot login to the enterprise manager for BA. To check again I went some steps back:

    - install advanced server (repair option, as it was already installed)
    - ANT services are installed with user ".\BAUSR_<server>"
    - running 'configure server' on CD
    - specify folder for license
    - the message: 'Installing Business Analytics files...failed' appears.

    When I change the ANT server logon user to my NT-logon account, I can run the configure option on the CD, but than I still cannot logon to the Enterprise manager ....

    I love this new MBS product! =D>
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) Try Uninstall/Install for the BA Advanced
    2) In BA folder there are logs, try to go through them if you will find some hints what is wrong
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • joh_verjoh_ver Member Posts: 31
    It worked mate!!!
    Thank you very much \:D/

    Well 2 days for a first BA implementation. Not bad uh?
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