How to ship non available items?

shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
Dear Experts,

I've posted a sales order to a customer for 50 nos qty.
But that Warehouse which had to Ship had only 400 nos, yet It allowed to post the shipping as well as the invoice for the 50 nos is raised.

Now where do I go and look for to ship the rest 10 nos... plus..
Is there a possibility that I can have an alert on the next order that this order is pending?????

Please help......



  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    Sorry that was 40 nos not "400nos"....
  • atarisataris Member Posts: 109
    I'm not to sure what you getting at here...

    Are you saying you had quantity of 50 to ship but only shipped 40?
    Or are you saying you have a quantity of 50 wanted to ship 40 but ended up shipping 50 and invoice 50?

    If you answear is question one then you should see 4 columns on the sales order which says Qty to Ship, Qty Shipped, Qty to Invoice, and Qty Invoiced. If you have a quantity of 50 but only shipped 40 Qty to Ship Column will have 10 meaning you still have 10 to ship, Qty Shipped will be 40 saying you have shipped 40, Qty to Invoice will have 10 saying you still need to invoice for 10 and Qty Invoiced will have 40 saying you have invoiced 40. You can check the posted shipments and invoices in the Posted section in S&R.

    If your answear is question 2 then you probably did not reduce the Qty to Ship to 40 before you posted the sales order. In rectify this you will have to post a credit memo and start again.

    You do have a Status field on the sales header stating if the order is open or not. However once you have completed the order it will move to the posted section. If you haven't completed it it will still be in the order section

    Not to sure if this is what you looking for but there you go...
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    I believe the problem is, he wants the system to only allow him to ship and invoice quantities that he actually has, so in the example the system should have popped up a warning, you can only ship 40, or else defaulted to ship 40, not the whole 50.

    But Navision doesn't work that way, you can ship and invoice quantities you don't have, but there is a setup in Sales and Receivable - stock out warning that can be turned on. this will at least let you know you don't have enough stock, but it will let you still ship and invoice, after you acknowledge the warning.
  • atarisataris Member Posts: 109
    Ah right....

    Well thats a mod on the system....we have done this own our systems to prevent people from shipping more than what they have.

    Sorry misunderstood what he was meaning...
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