[urgent question] how enter start quantity of items in stock

Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
Hello out there,

We have a big problem:
One of our customers wants to start working with Navision.
We imported Customers, Vendors, Items, Prices and BOMs.
Now we want to enter the initial quantities of the Items, which are already on stock, in other words, a physical inventory.
Inventory Journal form has a function to get all items in the list, as exspected with empty location code. Now the customer should enter the right location for this items and the counted quantity.
Quantity can be entered, but if they try to enter location code, they get a error "Inventory must be no"....
If they try to enter the lines manually, they can enter the location code
but in the field inventory quantity the error "inventory must be yes"

Do we make any mistake here?

if yes, what is the correct way to enter the initial quantities?

This is very urgent, because the customer wants to start using Navision tomorrow, and he cannot do it without quantity in Stock!
Michael Schumacher

oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    edited 2006-01-16
    Import the initial quantities into a normal item journal ,
    set all lines to "Postive adjustments" here.
    If Phys . Inventory Ledger Entries are needed
    you must write a report to convert this into an Phys. inventory journal.

    Use TRANSFERFIELDS to copy the record contents to to new record.
    The Item Worksheet Template must be changed to INVENTORY,
    set quantity and quantity (base ) to 0, validate the the Quantity into "Qty. (Phys. Inventory)" and set the booean Inventory to TRUE.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    Kowa wrote:
    Import the initial quantities into a normal item journal ,
    set all lines to "Postive adjustments" here.
    If Phys . Inventory Ledger Entries are needed
    you must write a report to convert this into an Phys. inventory journal.
    The only way to import is with fingers on keyboard, because in the old system quantities are not correct, missing and other bad things.
    So it would be very helpful having the lines automatically filled, like in inventory journal, so that one only has to enter location and quantity.

    it is about 20,000 items (in words: twentythousand different items!).
    I think, we do not need a special journal as long as starting values (quantity and amount ) are correct. mean purchase price is imported in item card.
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
  • ecclecticecclectic Member Posts: 176
    edited 2006-01-16
    when you are importing opening stock, you need to make sure that the theoretical balance is imported. then you can do an inventory adustment afterwards.
    if you import the physical balance instead of the theoretical balance you are bound for some discrepancy between stock valuation report and g/l balance.

    should u wish to import physical balance, u need to ensure that the necessary adjustments are made to the g/l balance also.

    anyways what u can do if you want to use physical inventory journal. use the option cal inventory but you need to activate the option not on inventory. the system will thus generate an entry per item per location. all you need to do is to enter the physical qty. remember to post cost and run adjust cost

    good luck
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    edited 2006-01-16
    inventory journal, so that one only has to enter location and quantity.
    A location only comes up when at least one item ledger entry already exists.
    Use the normal item journal, and take care that the unit cost in the journal line is correct. That and the quantity is the basis of the inventory valuation.
    You can convert this item journal afterwards before posting to treat it as a phys. inventory.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    ecclectic wrote:
    should u wish to import physical balance, u need to ensure that the necessary adjustments are made to the g/l balance

    I'm sure that they will do a complete opening adjustment in all accounts.
    this will be no problem because they just closed the old year in their old accounting software
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    Kowa wrote:
    inventory journal, so that one only has to enter location and quantity.
    A location only comes up when at least one item ledger entry already exists.
    Use the normal item journal, and take care that the unit cost in the journal line is correct. That and the quantity is the basis of the inventory valuation.
    You can convert this item journal afterwards before posting to treat it as a phys. inventory.
    my financial english is not very good, maybe you can answer in german on my post in www.mbs-support.info ?

    As far as I understand, there is no way to get the lines filled automatically so that they only have to enter location and quantity?
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    We did a dataport into the item journal table for 25000 items to get our begining inventory balance into Navision. Set up a dataport of the item journal table, enter a few item in the item journal. don't worry about posting it. export the dataport, and look at the entries that are there, this will tell you all the fields you need to have in your file that you import.

    We set the posting groups (temporally to have all enteries hit the same g/l account, both the inventory and the adjustment account) this way the item journal netted to zero. And our starting balance g/l entries made the actual adjustment, the item journal in affect just did the quantities.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    edited 2006-01-16
    If a developer licence is available, you can use this trick :

    Export all items, once for every location. Use Excel to assign a negative entry number in the first column. Export the spreadheed as text. Import this directly into the item ledger entries via dataport with a qty 0 and the location code . This direct import is normally not allowed, but as these entries are deleted afterwards this is the exception to the rule.
    From the journal run the Inventory calculation, all the items and the location should then come up.
    Then delete all the item ledger entries with the negative entry numbers.
    Of course, writing a report to create the dummy item ledger entries is also possible.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    all I understand is railway station and roasted potatoes ;-)
    but I see, you're online in MBS-Support....
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
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