Reports are customized and developed in Navision Object designer. Please, look into documentation which is available on the product CD. There is Application Designer Guide (w1w1adg.pdf).
Sales statistics: it depend on what you need - Customer entries are in Customer entry table, info about item movement is in Item ledger entry. Financial info is in General Ledger Entry table etc.
Thanks for the tips. Just that there are so many tables in NaVision its difficult to extract information if you're not familiar.
I'm looking into sales information. Just found out that I could get the information from Invoice Header and Lines tables. But now i need to get customer information and item information.
Would be helpful if someone could point me to the right tables. i.e. name of the tables containing the information or are the names of my tables diffrent from yours?
A good way to approach it would be to look at the design of some of the navision built in reports, see which tables they are access for the information. then if possible, just redisign the built in report.
but even if you just want to design your own reports using codbc link, you still can learn a lot from the built in reports.
browse through them and then hit CTRL F2 while you are on a report, it will open it in the report designer and you can see how it is built.
Learning for an existing report is a good way to learn. Thanks for the tip.
Just one question. I've setup 2 companies under the same database using SQL. Are the reports diffrent between the 2 companies? If I modify 1, does it change the other?
yes, there is only one report, as long as your companies are in the same database, they share reports, you can create company specific reports and such as invoices, and then assign them to the different companies through the report selection setup.
but the report is the same through out the database, no matter what company is accessing it. You can make text in the report change depending on the company accessing it. by having the report pull info from the company table. such as name and address and even logo.
Sales statistics: it depend on what you need - Customer entries are in Customer entry table, info about item movement is in Item ledger entry. Financial info is in General Ledger Entry table etc.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I'm looking into sales information. Just found out that I could get the information from Invoice Header and Lines tables. But now i need to get customer information and item information.
Would be helpful if someone could point me to the right tables. i.e. name of the tables containing the information or are the names of my tables diffrent from yours?
but even if you just want to design your own reports using codbc link, you still can learn a lot from the built in reports.
browse through them and then hit CTRL F2 while you are on a report, it will open it in the report designer and you can see how it is built.
Just one question. I've setup 2 companies under the same database using SQL. Are the reports diffrent between the 2 companies? If I modify 1, does it change the other?
but the report is the same through out the database, no matter what company is accessing it. You can make text in the report change depending on the company accessing it. by having the report pull info from the company table. such as name and address and even logo.
guess i should be reading the documentation on Application Designer Guide to get myself started.